he was sick.

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it was still quiet when I left my house. I made sure my mother was still asleep.

leaving home before she awakens is the best way to avoid arguing and cold war with her nowadays.

not much progress has been made on the thesis I'm working on. although I've decided to focus, in fact I'm still having trouble finding the time to gather support material.

I came too early to the Bakery where I work. at lunch, my boss allowed me to go home because I've been working past the maximum hours of work on this day.

I don't know what was in my mind because 30minutes after leaving the Bakery, I found myself standing in front of this numbered 999 door apartment.

I myself haven't known since when I can unconsciously think this place is the best and most comfortable place to spend my free time.

as the door opened, a pair of men's shoes welcomed me back. this is beyond my expectations. he is here now.

it was impossible to try to get out of here because he must have heard the key detector.

I decided to gather the courage and step in to find him. the last time, there is no problem for him when I spend time here. I hope he hasn't changed his mind about that.

I didn't find him in the bath room nor the living room as I had expected. I finally found him on the bed, still sleeping.

seeing the tie, the pants belt, and the socks I had laid last night was still on the small table beside the bed.

I began to worry that what I was afraid was true.

my guess is right. he still wears the same clothes he wore last night.

his sleeping position was almost unchanged and with the wrinkles that again filled his forehead

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his sleeping position was almost unchanged and with the wrinkles that again filled his forehead.

I dared myself to touch his forehead hoping that my guess was wrong. when I succeeded in putting my palm there, his closed eyes began to blink until he looked at me in surprise.

the temperature in his forehead was hot and I felt the same from his hand that tried to remove my hand from his forehead.

"leave me alone"
he mumbled barely audibly before closing his eyes again. even his voice alone was enough to show that he wasn't as usual as ever.

again I put my hand on his forehead and then moved on the neck and also his arm. I am more and more convinced that he's sick. he was unconcerned and tried to keep his back to me sitting on his bedside.

"bap meogeoseoyo?"
there was no answer from him, it seemed impossible with the situation he had now been eating this morning.

"what if I helped to get in touch with someone?"
I asked, reaching for his phone.

he turned and immediately grabbed the cell phone in my hand,
"dont interfere with my business, you can get out of here now"

I haven't had time to finish what I want to say, he turns his back again.

the pull and his breath are irregular from the movement of his back. that's what keeps me going and watching him from a distance. I feel anxious about his situation now.

3hours went by from the yellow sunshine seen peeking out of the window blinds. the sound of the blanket that was dislodged by the owner was followed by the sound of footsteps.

Me who was sitting tightened instantly. what if he doesnt like finding me still here?

and why am I still here?

haven't found the right reasons, his figure appears there.

his posture is much more robust. he looks trying to gather all his energy to walk. his right hand gently massaged his forehead and the other one was on the wall trying to support his body.

noticing my existence, he stopped and looked at me. but not long after, he again tried to move on. looks like he wants to go to the bathroom.

I can't stop myself to get closer and then go back to try to help him. my touch in his arms was greeted by a hot sting alert me when his condition was far from being improved. the heat was getting higher. even just by being next to him now, I can feel the heat coming from his body.

he then tried to resist my hand hugging. but a few seconds later, as if losing his balance, he was falling towards me.
I'm reflexes sitting on the floor as i catches his body. while he lay with his head rested on my lap.

I'm very worried about his situation. I have to do something quickly.


"patient's name?"

I paused, can't answer the nurse's question with a form that wasnt being fill.

"yang-ssi.. what's the name of that patient?" she repeated again.

"i- i forgot his name."
I replied briefly.

the nurse looks confused.
"then what is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm.. his--"


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