My Love Story

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{Dedicated to ToxicMoon313}

Love at first sight
I seen him there
Beauty in the the light
And oh so fair

He was with another but not long
For he knew he was with a cheater that done him wrong

Poor guy I thought
He was with a thot

Although after a mind fight
He knew what to do alright

For at a marching band he knew
Yes he knew this new girl was true.

Not a liar,
Nor cheater


He knew he had to meet her.

After a week she knew too
That yes she had infact loved him too

She tried to hide her feelings
For he was still with the cheater
She didn't like to mess up relationship dealings
But she did in secret want him to date her.

He and her shy
But soon their feelings went fly.

On the bus ride they knew
They were meant to be true

They laughed
And their feelings been confide
And soon they both felt more alive

A few weeks then passed
In her thoughts the guy of the band camp amassed

"Could a cute guy like him truly like a girl like me?,
I mean I think my cup size is less then a b"

The girl continued the thought,
"I mean his one gf right now is slim and stacked even if a thot,
do I have a shot"

These thoughts clouded her mind
Til' a new day brought a happiness to this mind

During a march camp session
The boy came with his shy and confident confession

"I like you" said he with a brillent smile confidently
The girl then smiled shyly ,
And uncertainly

She then spoke and her voice shook,
"But what of your one gf on the hook"

He sighed and smiled once more
"I told ya i'd dump her. And ask you , I mean she was a whore"

The girl blushed and asked shyer than before
"So are we then gonna be date dating like boyfriend and girl friend" she asked a bit shyer than before

"Yes " he replied happily
She smiled and was stunned with jubille

And til this day she smiles
And she hope he does too
For she feels she found her true love true
She hopes to walk by his side for more miles

To put it blunt she is me
And to my love

I Love You.  ToxicMoon313

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