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I noticed Emery's car on the side of the street before I even got out of Brendon's car. I get nervous as I walk up to my apartment. Emery is usually a pretty laid back person, but she gets worried sometimes.

I pull out my key from my purse and carefully open the door, just in case she's sleeping. But much to my surprise, she's pacing in the kitchen. Her head snaps over to the door right as she hears me come in, her eyes blazing.

"Where the hell were you last night. You had me so worried I thought you got drugged and kidnapped, I couldn't find you anywhere. I was driving around and knocking on people's doors, the least you could've done was call-" I hold a hand to my head and hiss in pain.

"Lower your voice, my head is pounding."

"Lower my voice? Did you really say that? I'm over here almost crying because I thought you died-"

"E. I'm fine. I'm here, you don't have to worry so much about me, I can handle myself just fine." She frustratingly sighs and looks at me hopelessly.

"That's not the point." I can tell she's getting really pissed off as she storms past me and flops down onto the couch.

"Okay, I'm really sorry. You're right. I should've called you. It won't happen again, I promise." I sit down next to her, and sling my arm around her shoulder. She still stubbornly ignores me,"please forgive me?" She finally slumps her body into mine and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Just don't ever scare me like that again, okay?" We pull away and I nod,"how did you get home anyways? Wait where were you?" An immediate smile plasters onto my face,"Courtney. Were you with a man?"

"Well, yes and no." She leans forward with her elbows on her knees.

"Details please." In that moment, I decide to not tell her who I was really with. What she doesn't know won't kill her, and it's not like it's that important anyways.

"I don't really know who he was. I just know that we didn't do anything and he brought me to his place cause I passed out drunk. Then I told him that I needed to come home, so he took me." She tilts her head.

"You didn't even know his name?" I shake my head, feeling guilty at how easily I just lied to my best friend,"that's so unlike you. You must've been pretty drunk." That part is true. I was brutally wasted, and I have a killer headache that can vouch for me.

"I'm just glad I don't have to work today." She nods,"I'm gonna go lay down in my comfy bed. You coming? I know you probably have some juicy story to tell me too."

"Of course." We both stand up and walk into my room, preceding to fall back onto the bed.

"So?" She looks over at me, regret filled in her eyes,"Oh god, what did you do?" I can tell by the shift of her eyes, that she's debating if she wants to tell me what happened or not.

"Okay, but before I say anything, just know that I was also drunk as hell."

"You're scaring me." I chuckle, but quickly realize that she's being serious, which makes my smile falter.

"I may or may not have drunk texted Connor." I push myself up to look down at her as she puts her hands over her face in embarrassment,"I know, I know. I don't even know why, it's not like I've liked him for a long time, but I did it and it was awful and I wish I could take it back."

"What did you say to him?" I don't think my mind has completely comprehended the seriousness of the situation. I guess I never really thought of them being together as ruining a good friendship. But it could.

"I just told him stupid little things. I told him he was hot and that I liked him. I also told him that I wanted to go out on a date with him."

"At least you didn't tell him that you liked staring at his ass.. or you know, something like that. Did he say anything back?" She nervously bites her lip and shakes her head with sad eyes.

"I don't know. I've been too scared to check. What if it changes everything between us and the whole vibe of our little group. I don't want to be the one that screws it all up. I don't want him to hate me." I grab her hand.

"He won't hate you, I promise. Just tell him what happened. Tell him you were drunk and that it meant nothing, knowing Connor, he'll just laugh it off. Unless you want to tell him how you actually feel? I mean, sure it's a risk, but isn't worth a shot?" She doesn't say anything for a while. She just stares at the ceiling and thinks, and I can't blame her. I know how it feels to have a little crush on someone who you really just can't have.

My mind flashes back to Brendon's body against mine and his hot breath on my neck. His hands snaking around my waist and pulling me closer with his hand caressing my cheek. The way his eyes linger on mine for a little longer than they're supposed to, and the way he-

"Courtney." I snap away from my thoughts and look over at a confused Emery. I notice I'm a little out of breath just by thinking about him, and I don't even know why. I've known him for two days and I'm blushing at the mere thought of him.


"Are you okay? You kinda zoned out on me."

"I'm good. What were you saying?" I change the subject as quick as possible, because I know if we kept talking about it, I'd say everything.

"I was saying that I'll probably ignore it until it comes up. What if he didn't ever get the texts and then I have to completely explain myself when I could've been fine. I'm not trying to dig my own grave."

"If that's what you want to do, then it's up to you. Don't do something that you'd regret," she glares at me as if to say 'too late' and I roll my eyes,"just don't do it again." She seems unsure with her decision, and I feel like I should let her know what my opinion is and maybe it could help her, but I don't because I don't know. And I don't want to confuse her if she's already made up her mind. It's probably for the best anyways.

"So did you already get medicine for that killer headache of yours?" I close my eyes, beginning to fall asleep.

"Yeah, he gave me some aspirin." I feel her shift in the bed, turning on her side to probably fall asleep as well.

"That's pretty nice of him, considering you didn't know him at all. Usually guys kick you out as soon as they can."

"No, he didn't seem like that type." She just hums in approval and I fall asleep quickly, dreaming of someone I probably shouldn't.

Out of my Mind // A Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now