sixty one

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Brendon's POV~

Another week.

I haven't been able to visit Courtney for the past couple of days because I've been catching up on work. I'm planning on seeing her today, though.

Courtney's family can't be here much longer. They have responsibilities too. And thank god for that. I don't know if I can stand them staying with me for much longer.

I'm always getting into arguments with Todd and Charlotte. Claire and Will have stayed out of it for the most part, but they've been there to make sure it doesn't escalate too much.

I run my hands through my hair and hold my head. My office door opens slightly and Emery slips in.

"Everything okay, Mr. Urie?" I ignore the question.

"What do you need?"

"Just wanted to know how you're doing. I know everyone always asks how she is, but nobody's asking how you are." She's been a lot nicer. She told me that her and Courtney started making up. But she doesn't feel like she's close enough to go visit her yet. I wish Charlotte and Todd has the same mindset.

"I'm fine." She purses her lips.

"You don't have to lie. We can all tell that you're stressed." My leg shakes up and down.

"I guess I'm a little stressed."

"Just a little?"

"I don't really want to complain about my problems. This is supposed to be a professional setting, not a therapy session." She backs up a little. "Sorry."

"I get it. It's hard to see someone you love hurt like that. But the wait is gonna be worth it when she wakes up." I nod.

"Yeah." She smiles solemnly.

"All of us here care about you. You've been really good to us. And we're all willing to help out, with maybe the exception of Blair." I chuckle.

"Thanks, Emery."

"No problem." She sends a small smile my way before leaving again. I watch the time until it's finally time to clock out.

I grab the things I need to leave and shut down everything in my office. I open the door and it runs into someone behind it.

"Shit!" I look behind the door and see Blair on her ass. I stifle a laugh. "What the hell? You aren't even going to help me up?" I shrug.

"Probably not." I walk away, putting my hands in my pockets. She catches up to me, her feet on my heels.

"I heard your girlfriend is basically dead. Probably better off that way, yeah?" I lift my head up, trying to make sure I heard her right. And when I know I understood what she said, I see no other options.

"You're fired." I say it like I'm almost unsure, even though I know what I said and I meant it.

"Excuse me?" I nod to myself and step inside the elevator.

"You heard me. You're fired. Effective immediately. Grab your shit and get out. I don't want to see you here again." She stares at me blankly. "I think something you may have forgotten is that I'm your boss. So go find a new job. You're done." The elevator doors start to close and she darts her hand in between them.

"You can't do that." Tears coat her eyes; a satisfying sight.

"Actually, I can." The doors close and I smile. Finally. She's gone and the drama around it can be over. Now we just need to find a new employee.

I go to the hospital before I do anything else, eager to see if Courtney's been improving. I told them to call me the minute she woke up, but maybe they forgot. I'm not sure who she had put down for an emergency contact.

If she has woken up in the days I haven't seen her, there's no way I wouldn't know by now, right?

I almost run inside but have to force myself to slow down. But when I see the curtains closed in her room, my excitement levels deflate. I tap the counter and the nurse behind it looks up at me.

"Can I help you with something?" I can't look away from her room.

"What's going on in there?" She looks from Courtney's room back to me. She analyzes me up and down and nods.

"You must be Mr. Urie. They said you'd be here soon." I disregard her comment. I don't want to make small talk, I just want her to answer my question.

"Is she okay?" She nods. She sees my worried face and waves her hand back and forth like she's clearing the air.

"Don't worry, they're just checking up on her to see if she's healing properly." I sigh. She could've just said that to begin with.

"Thank you. How long will they be?"

"At least ten minutes. You can wait outside on the chairs." I thank her again and take a seat. I look around, my foot tapping rapidly. Visiting hours are over soon and I want to get in as much time as possible with her.

After ten minutes is almost up, a nurse runs out of the room. I scoot to the edge of my seat to see where she's going. She comes back with Dr. Pierce. He recognizes me as he walks past. He claps his hands together with a huge smile on his face.

"She's waking up." That's all he needs to say for me to be on my feet. I head towards the door but before I can get inside, he places a hand on my chest.

"You need to stay out here. We need to make sure everything's okay when she does wake up. Too many people can be overwhelming." I nod, backing down into my chair.

"Yeah. Okay." He purses his lips and walks inside, closing the door behind him.

I wait for a long time, watching the curtain to see if it will ever open back up. I need to see her and tell her that I love her.

Finally, Dr. Pierce comes back out with a pained look on his face. I stand up.

"She's awake. You can come in now. But-" I brush past him. I slide the curtain open and there she is. Her eyes bright but tired. She's alive. She's here and she's more beautiful than ever.

"Courtney. I've missed you so much. I love you and I promise I won't let anything like this happen to you again.." My sentence wanders off when I see the alarmed look on her face. "Courtney?" She looks me up and down, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Sorry.. who are you?"

Out of my Mind // A Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now