Bitter truth, Broken Manik

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Next morning

Nandini woke up first and did her daily chores,came back and saw Ruhi is sleeping on Manik chest,Manik is tightly holding her.A smile appeard  on Nandini lips.

N pov:-kash us din mere bath tum suna tho manik now we four lived like happily family, Is love which we had for each other is not sufficient manik why you not trusted me Manik your one mistake cost my babies life ,They should live like princesses but they lived like servants Manik, you always told me na that you will protect me and my children but where are you when we needed you the most,I hate myself for loving you Manik, I hate you...

Tears are flowing from her cheek,she wiped them and got ready and went downstairs and prepared breakfast.
Came back to room to wakeup Ruhi.

N:-ruhi bacha wakeup beta,after eating breakfast and taking tablets you will sleep again.

Ru:-bash 5 min mumma.

N:-OK only five min,uff now I have to wakeup this monster.

Nandini goes to manik to wake him up ,hesitantly places hand on Manik shoulder but Manik pulls her in sleep .Nandini falls on manik,manik wokes up and see's Nandini on him,got lost in her eyes,same with Nandini, places his hand on her cheek caresses it,Nandu closes her eyes to feel touch,Manik eyes moves to her lips,slightly rubs with thumb,both are not in their senses,Manik came to kiss her but.....
Ruhi wake up and calls.

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