Chapter 3

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I waved a hand for him to continue. Time was ticking. I only had a finite amount of time to get ready before the next interview.

"I applied for the social media campaign position you advertised," he checked his watch, "and my interview is in roughly 15 minutes."

I stared at him. I'd officially reached my limit. I no longer had any of the fucks left.

"Please tell me you didn't."

I could handle people wasting my personal time or insulting me. But insulting my baby, the company I'd started from the ground up? No. That was incomprehensible and unforgivable.

"Do you even have the qualifications? Or was your application fake too?"

Heath's eyelashes fluttered down and his voice was low when he spoke.

"I can see that we got off to the wrong foot. I know my first actions gave you the impression that I connive and deceive people, but that wasn't my intention. From here on out I will only ever be 100 per cent honest with you. My application was not fake; all the credentials I have are real. I did a double degree - my majors were marketing and journalism. I think this puts me as a prime candidate for the social media campaign position."

"But why is that leverage?" I asked him, frowning. "That doesn't automatically put you above all the other candidates."

I didn't feel inclined to share how shit the previous interviewees were, and that in this car ride alone he had at least managed to keep me engaged, which was more than I could say for the other interviewees.

"I'll commit to doing the social media campaign position for free - if you give me the chance to write the article on you. I know it's a big ask - I need unfettered access to you, to be able to shadow you 24/7. I am not meant to be an intrusion, more a silent observer of your daily life; a fly on your wall. I think you are an amazing, inspiring woman, and I think many people could benefit from understanding what habits make you so successful."

"Well, I don't care if you do it for free."

But I did. Free work was the holy grail. You never denied someone willing to do free work, the worst you could do was reject their work and not use it. What Heath was willing to commit - probably a solid month of unpaid work - was an offer that wouldn't go over smoothly with the rest of the panel if he brought it up. They would make me agree even if we hired someone else so we could compare their outputs and decide which to keep. Who was the one lying now?

Heath, as if aware of the irony in my words, raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Okay, I do care. But not enough to sway my choice - we choose based on merit and everyone must abide by the same selection process, as that's only fair."

"Do what you have to do." Heath shrugged, unfazed. "That selection process works in my favour now," he checked his watch again, "and in ten minutes time I'll prove I'm the best candidate." His voice was imbued with confidence, and he smirked. "Then you'll ask me to reinstate the offer I made you."

Jeez, this one was cocky.

But I couldn't deny the part of me that was attracted to that self-assuredness, willing to hustle for what he wanted.

And what he wanted was me.

Or at least, the opportunity to shadow me around.

I would be a bald-faced liar if I said there wasn't something about that which went down smoothly - like an exorbitantly priced scotch or the purr of a well-oiled car.

"We'll see if you're as big as your talk suggests," I said, opening the car door and stepping out.

Heath chuckled, before hollering after me, "I can assure you I'm bigger!"

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