Chapter 46 - Of we go

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I never realised Connor had set my alarm on my phone for when I'm to wake up. Note to self : Change Password.

It was 9.30am which I suppose isn't too bad...who am I joking that's far too early.

I decided to call Connor.

(A/N C is Con and H is Heidi)

C - Why are you calling at this time?

H - Why did you set my alarm for this time?

C - because we're leaving in 2 hours and I know how long you will take

H - I don't need to do my hair though! You take ages!

C - well then. I'm gonna go and get changed but just to say we will pick you up in about 2 hours and your sitting next to me on the trainnn!

H - okay then..yay.. haha joke love you bye

C - Bye babe.

And we left it at that.


*2 hours later*

We were now in the car on our way to the train station which wasn't too far away.

*10 minutes later*

We finally reached the train station and took out luggage out the car.

I looked around at all the boys as they hadn't brought much.

"What is actually in your bags?" seriously though a girl can go on holiday and bring 2 suitcases then a boy can bring a rucksack.

"Clothes unlike you" Brad jokes.

"Oh haha."

"Is that our train that's just pulled in?" Tristan asks.

"Yup!" James says as we start sprinting towards it and get everything on the train.

"Wow that was close" Connor says.

"You don't say" I reply.

We find our seats after putting our luggage on the racks.

I was stuck with just Connor for the rest of the journey and surprisingly sleep took over for the rest of the journey.

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