Chapter Three- The Tough And The Pain.

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The cold and crisp air hits my wet, tear-stained eyes. My body gets chills up and down and I zip my coat up to my neck. My coat was tight on me since mother or father couldn't afford one. Father is the only one who actually works. Makes the money for the house. To put food on the table. Mother sits at home talking to my aunt or just smoking and drinking. But still, I don't know where I will be without her.

To get to school, I have to pass many bus stops. Unfortunately, I can't take the bus. Mother said that none of my friends ride it. But many of my friends do actually ride that bus. I don't have much friends though. Not many people like me. Saying that my family doesn't have money. That my mother is going to die soon because of her problem. I don't want that to happen. I really don't. She may treat me like total dirt, but I love her. A lot.

My school got closer and the air got thicker. Students voices were heard around the air. People were all out on the playground before school starts. As I past the sign of my school "Xavier Elementary School", I hear a voice behind me. A nasty mean voice. "Hey Olivia!" My head turns to see Eric. The rudest boy in all of Xavier. I was in 2nd grade and he was in 5th. My bag swings around my side as I turn.

"Oh not gonna talk huh?" He walks up to me, dragging his jeans that were too long for him against the concrete sidewalk. Two people followed behind him. With the same nasty look on their faces. They all walked me back to the wall, saying anything mean they can say. 

"Tennis shoes and a dress? I think that's a fashion fail." The sneaker covered foot glides to hit mine, making me fall to the ground. By now, all the other kids went inside. With a few walking out of their cars. But I was on the side wall. No one could see me.

My bag slides off my shoulder as I fall right to the ground. "Oh." Eric said as he knelt right next to my face. "Is that a bruise?" His middle finger slides down my arm, touching my bruise from this morning. My eyes wince in pain as he touches the blue and purple mark. A sad cry releases from my lips. Eric and his friends could be heard laughing at my irritated bruise. One blow to the stomach made me scream in pain. 

"Boys?" All of the boys turn their head towards the woman's voice. Even me. Mrs. Goldman, the counselor that everyone despises, was looking around the outside of the school, blocking the sun from my eyes. Before running off, Eric kicks one more time to my head, causing me to scream more and lean my head forward. They all ran away, Eric and his 2 other friends, in the other direction. Their footsteps echoing down the walls of the school. Mrs. Goldman rushes to me, saying so many things I couldn't keep up with. My hand clenched to my stomach, still wincing in pain.

"Olivia? Is that you?" She exclaimed, walking closer. My pained face looked up to see her up close to me, reaching her hand out to me. With pain shooting throughout my body, I reached up slowly. Her arm pulled me up quickly, causing me to lean foreword. 

"Who did this Olivia?" My head slowly lifts up to look into her eyes. No noise or anything comes out of my mouth. My body was in too much pain. Mrs. Goldman's arm wraps around my back and she guides me into her counseling office. Why would Eric and his friends do such a thing? He has hated me my whole life for some reason I don't even know. All the children in the hall were staring at me being guided through the hall.

The office door creaks open and she walks inside. My legs carry me to a soft, fabric chair and I sit down slowly in pain. "Now Olivia, did you see who did this?" My head nods up and down, looking at my dress full of dirt. With rips in the lace. 

"Olivia, who did this?" I heard her distantly. My head was spinning and I felt myself getting more dizzy by the second. "E-Eric. Eric C-Conner." Her head faced down as if she could have guessed. The black pen in her hand moved quickly across the paper and back. "

"Olivia, go see the nurse. They will call your mother to pick you up." My mother? Call my father. He would be more likely to pick me up. My head just nods instead of being difficult. Inside my brain, was just nothing. I felt dizzy and I couldn't keep my head on anything. Felt like I was not myself. 

Mrs. Goldman's head lifts as she looks at me. As in saying "what are you still doing here?". My head finally focuses in and I feel myself again. My legs lift me up slowly and I walk away from the chair. My body then felt as if I was swaying side to side with my sight focusing in and out. I reach out to grab something close to me before I collapse. Too late.

The next thing I saw was black and heard Mrs. Goldman yelling my name. Over and over again. Also a thud of things crashing on the ground after me. Again, I felt as if I wasn't me. Like I was drifting away from my body and going somewhere else.

"Yes sir. Olivia will be okay. Don't you worry. She will be awake any minute now." My eyes opened slowly as the world opened up to me again. A killer headache came over me and I held my head tightly. The nurse must have called my father here. What happened? Why am I here?

The nurse's arm shoots in my direction, making my father look over to me. His footsteps were loud, getting closer and closer to where I was laying. "Olivia honey, are you okay? What happened?" His head blocked the shinning light on the ceiling.

"I-I got hurt. Bad daddy." The expression on his face went from sadness to fear. 

"What happened?" He repeated. The nurse came from behind him and turned him around gently. "Your daughter has a bad in injury in the head. We will have to send her to the hospital to figure out more about this injury." 

"I have a big trip coming up. It is for a week. Does that mean I can't be with her?" His head turned towards me. The tear-stained eyes filled back up with the wet tears again. Only for a second. That glimpse of his fearful face was terrible to see. "I am very sorry sir." 

My father's face turned back to the nurse. "Could I have a second with my daughter?" The nurse nods and quickly exits the room. 

"Be strong through this honey. Don't break. What ever happens sweetie. Be strong." His lips touch my forehead and he leans back. "I love you." 

A smile breaks through my closed lips. "I love you too daddy." 

His steps quickly leave the room, stopping near the door way. Looking back, he smiles. Then exits the office. Breaking through my trance of staring out where my father was, the nurse comes into view. "An ambulance will be here soon to pick you up Olivia." She said with a slight smile before she exited the room again. 

His words went repeated through my head. "Be strong through this honey. Don't break. What ever happens sweetie. Be strong." I smile at the thought again. My body turns on the blue cot in the nurse's office. 

"Please god, make me alright. I want to be alright. To see my father again. And mother. They are my one and only. I love them with all my heart. Please. Give me the health and strength." I whispered softly after I turned around. Tears stream down my cheeks as I think of the fact that my father is leaving for a week. I will miss him. A lot. I didn't even give him a proper good bye. Not even a hug..

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