Chapter one/ The news

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Mitsuki POV

“Mitsuki-sama! Is it true?!” I rolled my eyes and pushed through them “I won’t believe it until I get proof from father” I exclaimed. As I stormed into father’s room I hated people making stupid rumors especially ones about me, my fist pummeled the door as the wood splintered in all different directions. Three Anbu’s stood protectively infront of fathers desk I growled as they parted for me to go through. “Father people have been making rumors, about me and Miyuki fighting for the thrown! Is this true?!” “Ah Mitsuki I am very sorry to weigh you with this burden so soon but Miyuki is a disgrace to our clan and I must retort to seeing if you my younger daughter is more capable of the thrown and leadership of our clan” the Anbu Black ops all gasped as I stood rigid my fist clenched my heart beat at an irregular rate, my mouth slowly opened as I murmured “when shall we fight?” the anbu again gasped at my willingness to bring my sister down. Father smiled “later today, and I heard about your so called classified classes, may I ask you have you been training S-rank level?” I smirked at the anbu they had spilled my secret “ah I have been training with Hiroomi and Akira” he smiled again “be at the Takahashi training dome, I’ll call for you” I nodded and left happily.


The people surrounded me “is the rumor true?” I smirked an nodded they gasped and began to whisper amongst each other. Hiroomi and Akira quickly hurried to my side “Mitsuki your going to fight Miyuki!” Akira exclaimed I nodded as Hiroomi looked at me worriedly “don’t go to rough people will be afraid of you”. I nodded Akira and Hiroomi were the only ones that new my true powers, we kept it secret for only life threatening events. “Well let’s go get some dango before you fight, you’ll need to be all rested and full of energy anyway!” Akira said happily, “I wouldn’t mind for dango” Hiroomi murmured as he smiled and lifted me onto his back in a piggyback. You see Hiroomi is much larger than Akira and I, I am little baby to him or so he says.

“That’s was great…so full” Akira pouted as he shot me his just kidding smile “Mitsuki-sama” a voice intruded, I turned swiftly “is it time” he nodded slowly “Mitsuki-sama your friends are also permitted to go” Hiroomi gave me a reassuring smile as Akira whooped in pure joy.

 When we reached the training dome Miyuki stood leaning against the pole her eyes weary as she seemed to be extremely nervous. Her colleagues reassuring her but all she could do was stare at the ground pitifully. Miyuki and I share a very distinct resemblances both our hair is black but mine is shiny black while hers is dull black. My eyes were violet while hers were gummy purple. My bangs parted on both sides of my face that was something we had truly in common. When I was young I never had the sister to sister relationship with Miyuki we were constant rivals, mother had to make us spend time with one and another, but after her passing we had grown even more farther apart. There would be times when I passed her in town and she would say “Hello Mitsuki” and I would say “Hello Miyuki” but that were it absolutely nothing special.


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