Chapter four/ Fathers pride

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Father nodded slowly, “Mitsuki is the winner!” Akira and Hiroomi nodded as if they had no doubts which was quite obvious already. Miyuki’s partners ran towards her body as they picked her up and hurried her to the Hospital. “Mitsuki I never imagined you to be… as powerful as you are I have no doubts that you will be a successful clan leader and figure of the Village Hidden in the Stone”. “Miyuki will be banished tonight” he concluded as he began to guide me home. Although I had won my throat felt dry, my palms sweaty and my heart empty. I had just had my older sister banished and sent away while I had beaten her to near death. That night I tossed and turned, going through this would only make me stronger, but the pain was still valid.

I quickly swung my legs over the side of my bed and went for a walk, there I sat underneath my favorite Sakura tree, my night kimono blew with the wind but the soft fabris sent a silky shiver down my back. Warm arms slowly wrapped around my waist I panicked an turn quickly to see Hiroomi gently lift me onto his back. “Lets take a walk” I smiled slowly “you scared me!” “I’m sorry…couldn’t sleep?” “I guess I feel a little upset about hurting Miyuki and causing her to be banished and disowned” I croaked he frowned and placed me down. “This was your duty do not feel badly” I looked up at his pale face, soft black spicks of hair as I let three small tears fall down my cheeks. He gently hoisted me onto his back and brought me home, before I went to bed I felt something soft and moist land on my cheek but I was to tired to open my eyes and see what it was.

Next morning I woke to the sound of small birds chirping and my maid Gamai gently shaking my shoulders “Mitsuki-sama Lord Aito is expecting you soon please get dressed!” I nodded slowly as my tired eyes opened slightly. I dragged myself to the closet that held thousands of shirts, pants, dresses, and more. I quickly pulled out a kimono because today was suppose to be special, I began to slowly pull on the silk fabric it reminded of last night with Hiroomi, he was always so especially kind to me…but why I never treated him special…oh well there was that incident but I don’t really wish to remember it, although it was the first time I met him. Akira on the other hand I knew him forever he was the most annoying kid ever, I never imagined not being with him he was like an older yet acted younger brother, when we were very young we would play with each other all the time than when I began training with father he would carry me to my room when I had passed out. By doing that he had earned the trust of my father and father assigned him as my partner. Hiroomi on the other hand was just extremely trust, worthy, honest and he never ever left my. 

“Mitsuki-sama are you almost done?” my maid called nervously I quickly through on the soft fabric “almost!”. I hurried out of the room and headed to see father. “Otou-san you asked to see me?” he smiled today we will officially tell Lord Tsuchikage about our new future clan leader” I smiled Tsuchikage was the Leader of the Village Hidden the Stone, were I lived. “I see you are dressed and ready, we shall depart now, Gamai have the carriage ready” Gamai my maid smiled at me and placed one last pin I in my hair before leaving to get the carriage. “Remember Lord Tsuchikage is a busy man we are lucky that we are the Stones most famous and powerful clan, you Mitsuki must pass on the tradition and ideals of  a Takahashi…perhaps you will marry to someone of a powerful clan as well, Hyuga, Uchiha, or um Nara? There are many-“ “Lord Aito time to depart” Gamai chirped he nodded in understanding and motioned me to follow him. As we entered the carriage I felt like my insides would fall out I was so nervous yet happy for seeing the Tsuchikage yet again he was very…well…elderly but his powers were amazing. He was incredibly nice to me when I had first met him which was when I was only five.

“As I was saying you will be married off to a well known family that will give you power…no give the Takahashi….no give the Land Hidden in the Stone power pride and peace! Is that what you want Mitsuki?” I hesitated and looked up at his waiting face. “Oi yes I do…want that!” he chuckled and patted my head "you will give the Takahashi clan great prosperity, power, wealth, and peace, I believe it” He murmured as he smiled at me proudly. I flushed “yes Otou-san”.

Once we had arrived I felt nervousness overwhelm me as I slowly began to quiver. Otou-san noticed by nervousness as he laid his palm on my head as he gently patted it. It was still very weird having Otou-san care for me…no it was weird that I even called him Otou-san I used to flat out call him Lord Takahashi-sama, now it was Otou-san “Mitsuki dear I’m sorry about the past being an Takahashi… it is very hard…being apart of  the main household I was to busy training Miyuki… I know im sorry I know I never had time for you. I was afraid Miyuki was a complete failure although she is my daughter the only clan technique she could complete was Forest gunk and that is usually meant for genin…anyway while I was busy training I did notice your skills improving but like this…I can not be more proud of you Mitsuki” I smiled widely “Thank you Otou-san” “Chikako would be so proud” Otou-san murmured as I looked up at him sadly. This was the first time he had mentioned Okaa-san infront of me, it was still unclear to me how she passed. “Alright dear we must head to see Tsuchikage” I nodded slowly as we headed towards Lord Tsuchikage-sama.

Ishigakure's pride Konoha's love (a naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now