A Single Cut || Chapter Two

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"Are. . . Are you sure about this?" He hovers above your body, his breath brushing against your puffy lips from his loving attention. All you do is give him a soft smile, and with your unhurt arm, you cup his cheek. He moves into the touch, smiling softly down at you with half-lidded, loving eyes. You close your eyes, the words falling so easy from your mouth, to your beloved one.

"I am Kyle. I trust you, whole heartily. Now kiss me you damn fool." You tease softly with a smile, warmth seeping through your veins. Even though your heart is racing with excitement, happiness, nervousness and worry seeps into the mixture. What if it's not enough for him? What if he doesn't like it since your not experienced? What if?

Kyle's smile grows larger, turning his face into your palm, gently kissing it.
"Alright;-" He says after a beat; "-you're beautiful, you know that right?" He says is barely as a whisper, only loud enough for you to hear. It causes you flush again, your smile growing larger as your eyes begin to water.

"Stop that, you're going to make me cry again." You say softly, dropping your hand from his cheek to wipe away a stray tear that drips down your cheek. He gives a soft smirk, a goofy one full of happiness.

"Nah, you deserve all this praise. I love you." He chokes out as a small laugh escapes in the middle of the sentence. Before you could say anything else, anymore doubt, it all washes away as soon as his lips move down to yours. A small, chaste kiss, before moving his curly red locks to the side of your face, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. His lips gently brush against your skin, his hot breath circling on the flesh, spreading through your neck. You shiver at the sensation, almost jumping as his lips press onto your skin. His long eye lashes tickle against the bottom of your jaw as he presses small kisses all over the side of your neck, until a spot that makes you twitch, jump under his kisses. He pulls away for a moment, smiling to himself as excitement washes over him. As a few moments pass, he presses his lips back to that same spot, then pressing his tongue over the spot, while sucking. You start to squirm as the sensation sends shivers down your spine to your arousal, making the blanket warm with your slick. A pant leaves your lips, your heart racing to the point you cant breath through the pleasurable sensations. Kyle can't think, besides focusing on nibbling, licking and sucking on that spot on your neck, to listen to the beauteous song of your pants. To the pulsing, growing hard-on hes growing from listening to you, helping you through your desire.

He hums against your neck before pulling away, panting to himself as he looks at your panting, flushed face. He thickly swallows before leaning back down, his face and ears burning as he traces his lips over the newly formed hickey, causing you to jump at the sudden touch. His lips then start to trace down your collarbone, your panting becoming short and labored, as his lips stop at your bra. His eyes glance up at you for a moment, and you give a quick, small nod of approval. Your eyes squeeze shut the moment his hand pulls up your bra, your breasts falling out of the cups. Embarrassment and worry wash over you as he pulls away to look at your bare breasts, worried about him not liking them, not liking your body. You raise your hurt arm to cover your eyes, lips partly open to release heavy breaths. His breath that was covering your bare breasts disappear, his hand gently grabbing onto yours, slowly moving to put it at your side. His hand then moves to your cheek, running his thumb over it in his soft touch.

"You're gorgeous. Beautiful. Let me see you. I want you to see me, as I praise what you are willing to give me." He says softly, leaning down to press his lips to yours; staying there to let the meaning of the seep into you, the sweetness of his kiss to pull you under. As he pulls away, your eyes gloss over in the soft glow of your bedroom, eyes half lidded as you smile up at him with trust and understanding. He gives another smile, before leaning back down to your bare breasts, his hot breath brushing over your nipple causing is to perk. He gulps before he continues, pressing his lips over your nipple, only to slowly open it a few seconds later to let his hot tongue brush over it.

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