Chapter 1

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Seoul;7:30 a.m; 10 september 2018
Felix's house
-New week,same person.said Felix opening his eyes.
He is a short and cute 17 years old boy with blonde hair and freckles which have a deep ass voice.But he unfortunately have depression because he has problems with his parents and because people judge him so bad.

*phone beep*message from:Changbin
"Where are you?"
"At home"
"Boy you have biology classes first hour"
"What's the matter?"
"Last time when you was late you had two hours of detencion...and because you don't learn her lesson...or making homeworks..."
"Ok I'm gonna be at school just for you"
"Awwww thanks"
How I can to be so fucking stupid to say that things?Just for you,huh?But it's a bit true...said Felix in his mind.
-Mom,please can you take me to the school with the car?I have biology classes and I don't want to be late again.
-Ok.But this is the last time.
-Fine thank you so much!

Seoul;8:10 a.m
At school

-Good morning,teacher,sorry for being late,said Felix shy.
-This is the last time when you're late into my classes,Lee Yongbok.Take a seat next to Changbin.
He is a short 19 years boy which have a black hair and an oval face.People aslo call him dwarf by his size.He is the only person which knows abut Felix's depression,so he always tries to make him feel better.He loves Felix in the secret but he don't tell him about that.
-Ooooooo!said the students.
-Ignore them,said he calm.
-For tomorrow you gonna have to do a project about an animal.A project in a team.
-Do you want to make that project together?asked Changbin,rubbing Felix's thights. house?
-No,at me.Today,6 p.m.,my house.Allright?
-Yes...says Felix.Please don't rub my thights...I'm feeling...weird...
-Allright.You're so squishy,said Changbin,playing with blonde's boy cheecks,making him blushing very hard.
-I'm so ugly!said Felix.
-No!You are so beautiful!
-I have freckles and I am short.
-Look at me!I'm the shortest person from this classroom!
-But you're not sick like me!Nobody likes me because I'm like that!I have a deep ugly voice and depression!
-I think somebody loves you like you are....said Changbin looking down.
So,be happy,Lixie!said he,hugging Felix.
-Thanks...I think...

Next three hours they had maths,english and history classes.
-I'm soooooo boooored,whispered Felix.
-I want to be atent at the history hour,not at you.
-Squishy,can you don't scream into my ear?
-Are you stop calling me squishy?
-Never.It sounds so cute,like you.
-Are you hungry?said Felix,trying to change the subject because he blushed so hard.
-But I'm hungry!I must go to the canteen.
-Ok see you later!

At the lunchtime;11:50 a.m
-Felix,are you allright?asked Jisung,seeing his friend thinking so deep.
-You don't eat anything...Don't you like salad with salmon?
-I'm not hungry.
-Your face is red asf.
What was happen?
-I understand bro calm down your big ass.
How was your day?
-Really good,I think.I was late at biology classes again but I'll make a project at Changbin's house this afternoon.
-Wow you are so lucky.Do you like him?
-No problem boye.I think he likes you...more than a good friend.
-He is looking and talking with you in a romantic type.And he's looking at your ass everytime you wear something thick.He hugs you,he holds your hand sometimes...and he tried to kiss you...It's logic he likes you!
-Wow...Does he have a girlfriend?
-He's single like you.
I'm going to start the frech lesson in 5 minutes.And Minho is waiting me.I must talk with him.Au revoir!said Jisung.
-Byeeeeeee...thanks for the tips.
-You're welcome!

After the lunchtime,they had the spanish lesson and sport hour.
Felix tried to avoid Changbin how much he can,but at the sport hour he can't.
-What do you want for me?
-Do you want to play batminton with me?
Changbin was focused on Felix's legs.
-He have beautiful thights...and an beautiful...He is so handsome!Should I tell him this evening I like him?I think he don't love me anymore!said Changbin on his mind.
-I like his body...his arms,his everything!But we are just friends... maybe Jisung is an idiot and he is just telling me these things because he thinks he's interesting...said Felix in his mind.
After the sport hour they go their homes.
Felix bought for Changbin a heart-shaped box of chocolate.
When the blonde boy comes to his home,he pushed himself on the bed,thinking about his life.

Seoul;5:30 p.m
Felix's home
-Does Changbin like me?Ahhhh I like him just as a friend,nothing much,maybe,but he's so handsome...dark but handsome...
Not like me,said Felix,looking in the mirror.Woah I'm so narcisist.
So today I'm going to tell him I like him!Yeah I'm an idiot who is talking alone.
But...the biggest struggle is...
What I'm going to wear this afternoon?
He choosed a black t-shirt,a grey hoodie,black jeans and black converse.
*phone rings*
-Hello,Felix,where are you?
-Binnie,I'm at home,in 20 minutes I'm gonna be at your house.
-Allright.Do you want to take you with my car?
-Wait do you have a car?,it's ok.
-Fine,bye jagiya.Don't be late!
-Bye boy.I won't be!
He throws a backpack with all things he needs:a pencilcase,a notebook,glue,a scrissor and some money.
-Moooooom,I'll go at Changbin's house to make a biology project.
-Aham...allright.You can to go,but I'll be a big storm this evening.Be careful!
-Mom,I'll be careful.Goodbye!

Felix had left the apartament.After that,he called Jisung.
-Hello Jisung!
-How are you?
-Fine thanks.
I'm making the biology project with Minho.
-Wow.What about is the projetc?
-About pandas.
-Interesting.Was this ur idea?
-No,was his idea.
-I called you for another reason.
-I was talking with Changbin and he was calling me jagiya.
And at school he was rubbing my thigts and squeasing my cheecks,calling me squishy.
-Jisungie hyung,what was happen?asked Minho curious.
-Changbin likes Felix!!!!
-Wait what.Told me what he did to you.
After Felix said to Minho about Changbin's gestures,he was thinking some minutes.
-That means he likes you.Congratulation!But do you like him?
-Just as a friend...but I like his hair,voice,smile,body...
-This means you like him.Just told you like him.Like I told Jisung I like him two weeks ago.
-okkkk...Wait,are you TOGHETHER?
-Yes,said them,and Minho kissed Jisung's lips
-My ship is now a relationship!Do your parents knows about that?
-No and please don't tell them about that.
-Are hugging,kissing,things like that?
-Do you....
-Don't think about pervert things.
-Ahhhh ok.Now I'm next to Changbin's house.
-Fine.Send me a message if you want to ask me something.said Jisung friendly.
-Ok byeeee!

_sorry for the mistakes_

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