Chapter 6

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Felix's house
4 a.m,12 September 2018
The blonde boy woke up from the bed,walking around the room.His eyes was wide opened.The sound of the silence fulled the room.
He goes into the kitchen,grabbing a pack of chips.After he goes into the balcony,looking at the sky.The stars was shining on the black sky.
Felix opened his phone,calling Changbin.
"Oh Changbinnie answer to me boye or..."
-Lixie,what's going on?
-Good morning!said he with his sad deep voice.
-It's fucking 4 a.m I wanna sleep.
-I can't sleep.
-Why?he asked.
-Just I can't.
-Babe,go to sleep.We are going to talk later.
-Just I told you,I can't sleep.Did you understand?
-Drink some warm milk.It will helps you.I think...
-I'll try.
-Now let me sleep...
-But if I...
He didn't finish the sentence because Changbin closed the phone call.
He comes into the kitchen,opening the fridge's door to pick up the milk.He put it in a glass and opened the aragaze.
When he closed the fridge's door,his mom touched his shoulder.
-Yongbok what are you doing at 4 A.m?
-Mom I can't sleep.
-Really?Why was you talking with Changbitch at 4 a.m?she said,hitting with her hand his son's cheeks.
Very smart,Yongbok...she said,throwing the milk cup on the window.
That because you was talking with that idiot.
-Mom,why are you treating me like this?
-You must know,life is hard,don't talk with bitches at 4 A.m.Sleep thight!
-Okay...he said running to his room,just for not having another hands.
-Don't act like a toddler!Oof my immature son...
Felix looked in the mirror.
His pale white skin was red on the cheeks area.His eyes had some tears on the corner and his
He put his head on the pillow,closing his eyes,trying to sleep.

7 a.m.
Like always,the annoying alarm woke up the blonde boy.
He get up from the bed,opening the window.
-Cloudy gray sky,maybe today will be a rainy day.
He made his bed and his daily makeup.He dressed with his school uniform,putting on his backpack books for school.
-Yes mom?
-Take the umbrella.Today will rain.I really don't want to get sick!
-Thanks.Bye mom!

When he goes down to the block,a pair of hands covered Felix's eyes.
-Guess who I am!
-C-Changbinnie hyung?
-Hi sweetie!he said,kissing his boyfriend's cheek.
Tell me babe,why did you called me at 4 A.m?
-I couldn't sleep.
-And in the end you felt asleep?
-Yes...but...Mom was a bit angry when she saw me talking with you at the phone,so she threw my milk on the window.
-Why the fuck?
-Binnie...we shouldn't talk about this.I want to forget this.
-Did she hit you?
-A bit,on the cheeks...It's something normal.
-Lixie,what are you saying?
-It isn't something new for me.This is happening more than three times a week.But when they get drunk,it's not so good.
Fortunately,my dad isn't home.He will come at my birthday.
-Lixie,said Changbin,looking at his phone,growing the rhythm of the steps.
You should talk a bit,we are going to get late.
-What,are we late?said Felix a bit scared.Run Binnie!
-Well,It's just 7.40,and if we are getting late,it's not my fault!he smirked.
-Not your fault?You want to say it's just my fault?Fuck!said Felix a bit grumpy.
-Hey hey hey hey hey I was joking!
-Well fine...he said,holding Changbin's hand.
-Awwww so cute,said Changbin,looking at Felix's little hand who hold his hand.

-at school-
_timeskip bcs nothing special_
Time takes so fast.
At the end of the classes,when Changbin and Felix left the school,somebody put a big hand on his shoulder.
-Hello Changbin!said that person.

It was Hyunjin.Changbin's best friend who gives him advices.That boy who is Seungmin's boyfriend.
-Hi Hyunjin!What's upppp bro?
-I think you should go after school to my house.he said.
Did you remember when we talked about that"special present" for Felix?whispered Hyunjin.
-Yeah.That"special present"
-So,go at my home.
-Where are you going?asked Felix?
-At Hyunjin's house,Lixie.
-Why?he asked curiously.
-Emmm...we must talk...about some things...
-Okay Binnie.Bye bye!
-Bye Lixie!he said,hugging thight his blondie.
-C'mon Changbin.We are just at the first floor!
-Ok,but at what floor are you living?
-Eighth floor by ten.
-Could we take the lift?
-Do you want to be in fit or nah?
-However.Why your parents chose to live at a so high floor?he asked stepping fastly the scale.
How you can to step so fast?
-Entry!he said,opening the apartament's door.

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