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(The next day)

Metallica : *Gets a pile of boxes*

*Knock Knock Knock*

Metallica : *Opens the door* Oh hey Robot hey Monster!

Monster : Do you need some help moving in?

Metallica : Yah actually. My back is killing me.

Robot : Have you been working all morning?

Metallica : Yah I have to get this done before my parents stop by.

Robot : We can help you!

Monster : Yah!

Metallica : That's grate! I put the boxes in the rooms they belong in. So Monster you do the kitchen and Robot you do the living room I'll do the hallway.

(Everyone gets to work)

(A few minutes later)

Robot : OK one more box.

(Robot opens the wrong box. He opened one of the boxes for her bedroom and saw her underwear)

Robot : *Blushes and then exploded*

Metallica : Is everything ok in there?

Robot : Yah everything is fine I just....fell.... anyway the living room is done.

Metallica : Wow...it looks grate! *Looks at the box on the floor*

Metallicas thoughts : *Shit....he didn't look in that did he?* *blushes*

Robot : What's next?

Metallica : The office. I'm doing the bathroom now.

Robot : Ok I'll get it done.

(Time goes by and everything is done)

Metallica : Thanks guys it's looks grate!

Monster : No problem!

Robot : Yah it was fun actually.

Metallica : *Hugs Robot and Monster*

Robot : *Intena goes up*

Merth : merth...

Monster : Umm...who is that?

Metallica : Oh that's my pet Merth.

Merth : Merth

Metallica : Thanks again for helping me guys I can't thank you enough.

Monster : It's our pleasure!

*Knock knock knock*

Metallica : That's probably my parents!

(Metallica gets the door)

Bridget (Metallicas mom) : Hello darling!

Philip (Metallicas dad) : Hey kiddo!

Bridget : I love what you've done with the place!

Metallica : I didn't do it all my self I had my new friends help me.

Bridget : Which one is your boyfriend?

Metallica : Uhhhh...

Bridget : I'm just messing with you dear. Hahahaha!

Philip : You just got here yesterday and you already have friends!

Metallica : Well yah I have more friends down at the Makin Bacon.

Bridget : That's nice dear but me and your father really must be going.

Metallica : So soon! Why?

Bridget : Your grandmother broke her hip so your father and I have to watch her till she's back on her wheels.

Metallica : Oh ok...

(Her parents leave)

Metallica : *looks upset*

Robot : Are...you ok Metallica?

Metallica : I'm fine guys...it's just my parents they never make time for me.

Robot : But they did come to see you at least.

Metallica : I know...but sometimes I feel it's not enough.

Robot : My parents are the same way but my brother is much wors.

Metallica : I only have a sister but we're twins she always tries to make me miserable and I never understood why she makes me feel like I'm alone and no one wants to be near me.

Robot : *puts his arm around Metallicas shoulder* Your not alone you have a bunch of friends who care about you.

Monster : Yah and you just moved here just think of how many more friends you'll have when you settle in!

Robot : Monster is Right and you'll always have us.

Metallica : That's good to know *Gets close to Robots lips*

*Monster is on his way out*

Monster : Hey Robot it's getting late we should head home now!

Robert : Oh ok Monster! *gets of the couch* Bye Metallica.

Metallica : Bye Robot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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