#15 Hidden Secrets

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(Lachlan's POV)

This can't be happening. We're safe now, Rob has to be ok. I can only watch as his spark gets dimmer and dimmer. Why can't I do anything to help!? I feel so useless. I see movement from the corner of my eye, so I look over to see Jerome CUT OPEN HIS OWN ARM!? "W-What are y-you doing!?", Vikk stutters. Jerome then grabs Rob's arm, cutting it open in a shallow cut. "Jerome!? What the heck is wrong wi-", Preston yells, trying to pull Jerome away. He's cut off when Jerome snarls at him, making us all jump back. He's never done that before.

All we do is watch as Jerome holds his bleeding arm over Rob's own cut up arm. Blood trails onto the couch, staining it red and making me gag. I really don't like blood. Some of Jerome's blood dripped into Rob's wound, but what I notice is that the cut on Jerome's arm has already stopped bleeding. His blood has somehow already clotted and a scab is forming on the cut. Jerome seems to finally snap out of whatever trance he was is, looking down at his arm and back up at Rob. "W-What did I do?", he asks in fear. None of us can answer before Rob starts coughing again. We look back to Rob to see him trying to sit up, actually having the strength to do so. I mentally push away my surroundings and focus on Rob. He's..... getting better? Although it isn't as fast as Jerome's cut, Rob's arm is slowly closing up. His leg bone looks like it's slightly shifting itself over. Feeling this kinda makes me wanna puke. "What-er you g-guys lookings ash?", Rob slurs, looking around at our staring faces.

Little by little, Rob gets better as we talk to him. Still not being able to see, Rob made soft clicking sounds while the spots on his neck start lighting up again. He eventually gets enough sense to ask about where we are. "Um... what, what happened?", Rob quietly says. "Do you not remember?", Vikk quizzically asks. "Only g-getting into Danial's car", Rob mumbles, his throat still hurting slightly. "We're at my house right now! And Jerome did something with his blood to make you better", Mitch gushes. "I think I can heal fast. And my blood healed you, too", Jerome says. "Do you think Rob will heal fast like you, now?", Vikk asks. "No, probably not. I think it'll just heal Rob for a little while, and then maybe get drowned out by his own blood", Preston concludes, "Either way, we're all glad that your ok now". Preston wraps Rob in giant hug, making him yelp at the sudden contact.

And then he...... is gone!? "R-Rob!?", I cry out at his sudden disappearance. "What?", a voice rings out from thin air. My brain can't seem to understand what's going on. Preston still looks like he's holding onto something, but Rob's not there. Or is he. I can slightly see a blur where Rob should be. "Rob! You can turn invisible!", Preston laughs as he squeezes Rob tighter. "I-I can?", Rob asks. He quickly fades back into view, his scales turing back to a peach color and then disappearing back into his skin. "It's your scales! They change color like a chameleon", Vikk giggles. "Really!? So I can camouflage, and Jerome can heal really fast?", Rob laughs.

"Looks like it. I wonder if-", I start to ask, but I'm cut off by a door slamming open. We all jump at the loud noise and look over to see one of the maids. "Master Mitchell, your parents have returned from their business trip, and wish for your presence in the dining hall. Bring the other five has well", they hesitantly explain before quickly leaving. "Your names is Michell?", I ask Mitch. "I keep telling them to call me Mitch, but my parent say it isn't 'Proper'", he laughs, "I'm so happy that they're finally home! They can meet all of you, and we could have rooms al right next to each other, you don't have to stay if you don't want to, but is gonna be so much fun!". The excited five-year-old quickly leads the way down the stairs and in front of large double doors. "I'm gonna do talk to my Mommy and Daddy first, and then you guys can come in when I explain everything", Mitch says before slipping into the room. Jerome grabs the door and holds it slightly open, so we can all see what's going on.

A short woman with dirty blond hair and pink high heals is talking to a man who must be Mitch's dad. He has the same brown hair as Mitch, along with the same eyes and chin. But this man seems to have a certain gruffness that I immediately dislike. I stare at his face, quickly being able to hear what he's thinking. "I can't believe that Mitchell managed to get back here. Maybe he can be even more useful then I thought", he thinks. I slightly flinch back at the words and their dark aura, instead focusing on Mitch's Mom. "I knew this was a good idea. Now we get the cash, and the brat. I wonder which test they did on him". What...... this can't be right. Mitch talked so much about seeing his parents again, they can't be the reason Mitch was taken to the lab. This has to be some sort of mistake, right?

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