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Bakugo threw Kirishima onto his bed and straddled him, ripping his button down shirt open, the buttons flew and bounce around the room. Bakugo's eyes traced over every muscle and curve on Kirishima's upper body, "Fuck- you look good, really good you fuck face. What's up with that?"

The blonde pulled his own shirt off over his head and threw it behind him not caring where it fell. Pinning Kirishima's arms above his head Bakugo leaned down and started kissing his neck. Slowly working his way down to the base of the red heads neck and back up the side, going across his jaw line, then stopping to nibble and lick his ear.

Eijiro let out a loud moan, Bakugo smirked to himself, licking all the way down his neck once again. The blonde kissed the middle right side and then began to lick and bite the spot. Placing his warm wet mouth on it he sucked the skin into his mouth and bit down, repeating this over and over until there was a dark purple hickey.

Looking down at his progress he smiled with satisfaction, if there was one thing that turned Katsuki Bakugo on more than anything else it was marking his territory. Bakugo wanted everyone to know that when he fucked someone they were his property. Nobody better even dare approach them or he would rip their head off. Bakugo felt Kirishima's eyes boring into him, looking up to meet his gaze he saw the most beautiful sight. The red heads hair was laying messily in every which way, a few stray strands laying softly on his face, his eyes were hungry, his skin was kissed with a pinch of rosy pink, and best of all Kirishima was sexily biting his lower lip, looking as though he was trying so hard to hold in his satisfaction. Bakugo wanted this exact look ingrained into his memory; suddenly he had an amazing idea.

He tightened his grip on Kirishima's wrists with his one hand and with the other he quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture, angling it so he caught the entire scene. Bakugo wanted to be able to look not only at his intoxicating face but his perfectly built body too later on when he was thinking this night over. At that moment Kirishima was too turned on to give a fuck about the photo, and even if he wasn't he still wouldn't care. What he wanted was Bakugo's mouth back on his neck, better yet he wanted it somewhere further down his body. Kirishima began to wiggle and whine, "Bakugo pleaseee, stop fucking around and put your mouth back on my body."

Bakugo paused, he expected Kirishima to protest about the photo, telling him to delete it or something like that. That would be any normal persons response, but the red head didn't seem to care, was he just too turned on that his judgment was cloudy at the moment?

Katsuki smirked, oh this man in front of him was a better package then he ever thought he'd be. He was starting to like this guy, which was a rarity in itself for someone like Bakugo.

  "You don't care if I take photos of you?" Bakugo asked dryly to act as if he wasn't really that interested in them.

"No, I've been photographed like this before... Look Bakugo I don't give a fuck right now. Stop stalling and fuck me already." Eijiro said in desperation, squeezing his eyes shut.

"If you beg for it I might..." he paused to see Kirishima pouting at him just as he was about to open his mouth to do so Bakugo continued his sentence, "But, if you beg for it on camera I'll give you anything you want in return, within reason of course." He said waving his phone back and forth, taunting the man under him.

"Dammit Bakugo did you not hear me the first time?! Do whatever the fuck you want! Record the whole mother fucking thing for all I care. Just touch me already, I don't care how, beat me if you want, torture me! I literally don't care just do something! Like are you even planning on fucking me anytime soon you bastard?" Kirishima blurted out faster then his brain could think. His whole body was burning right now, literally on fucking fire and if Bakugo didn't start touching him soon, he was going to start touching him and if Kirishima was in control he didn't know if he could stop himself from biting Bakugo and sucking his sweet blood from his juicy neck until his veins ran dry.

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