Oh No, Not Again

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In the morning Cameron woke up early so she could help Lewis get out of the infirmary.  "Hey Lewis," said Cameron when she got to the infirmary, "You feeling alright?"

"Great actually," said Lewis with a smile, "are you here to help me get out of here."

"Yup, let's go." Cameron walked over to Lewis and helped him off the bed he sat on.

"Cameron," said Lewis, "really I'm fine, I don't need help."

"Yeah but I thought you would like the company."

Cameron and Lewis walked together to the shack. It was misty outside just like it had been on the day Cameron first arrived at Seattle, but she didn't mind anymore. They reached the shack and Cameron was glad she had gone to get Lewis instead of just letting him go by himself. Lewis and Cameron started talking about work and what they thought of their bosses. While they were having a conversation they heard a boom. Lewis recognized that sound immediately, a bomb had just gone off.

"We have to go help." shouted Lewis. They hustled out of the building and headed towards the housing facility where they heard the sound come from. There was smoke in the air and it was hard for anyone to breath. Someone had placed a bomb in the staff offices. Cameron ran to the building which was looking like it was gonna fall over. Kids started fleeing the housing facility across the street from the damaged building, but Cameron and Lewis would not leave until they were sure no one was left inside the staff office.

"I'm going in!" yelled Cameron as she entered the smoking building. the inside was dark and it was hard to see Cameron yelled to see if anyone was left inside. she first thought of Maggie, the lady who sat at the front desk, "Maggie! are you in here?" she called out

"Over here," said a faint voice, "I'm stuck." it was Maggie she was stuck underneath her large desk that had fallen on top of her during the explosion. Cameron rushed over to her and tried to pull her out from under it.

"Lewis come help me!" Cameron yelled. Lewis rushed over to Cameron and started to lift the desk as Cameron pulled Maggie out from under it. "quick, take her to the infirmary," Cameron told Lewis, "I'm going to keep looking for anyone else." Lewis dragged Maggie out of the building and over to the infirmary where she could get help. People started coming out of the infirmary to help Cameron find anyone else.

Cameron walked up the stairs searching for Karl's office. She walked down the long hallway yelling "Karl! are you OK?"

"I'm alright!" yelled a voice from a room at the end of the hallway. Cameron hurried to that room and saw Karl sitting on the floor looking quite terrified. People from the infirmary also heard the voice and rushed in to get him to safety.

"Karl was anyone else here except you and Maggie?" Cameron asked him.

"No Maggie and I are the only ones I believe." That was a good thing, if more people had been in that building it would have been harder to get them out in time. Cameron and the helpers from the infirmary hurried out of the building back onto the streets.

"We have to get out of here," said Lewis, "the bombers could come back, they could have even placed a different bomb somewhere near." Cameron and Lewis ran as fast as they could to the shack, it would be safer there. When they arrived at the shack they were sure breakfast and work would be canceled that day. Cameron and Lewis sat in the shack for hours discussing who might have planted the bomb that nearly killed Maggie and Karl.

"I think it may have been one of the caretakers." said Cameron, "Who else would have the skills or supplies to create a bomb?"

"Maybe there is someone working for the rebels on the east coast here with us." said Lewis

"What if it was Jack." said Cameron. Neither of them could deny that Jack was quite suspicious and was definitely a suspect in the crime.

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