Chapter 1

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Key sat in the corner, quietly. His brother, Taemin, sat next to him just as quiet.

"They've been in the home for almost two months and the older one has not said a word. He won't let anyone touch him without freaking out. The younger one isn't much better, but at least he'll talk." A lady said to another. They were staring in the doorway, watching the boys.

Taemin noticed the ladies looking at them and pulled Key close to him. Key curled up in his brother's arms.

"They shouldn't be in a home like this. They need a real home." The other lady said. "I can take them in. We have an extra room and I'm sure they'll want to share." 

"That would be great." The first lady smiled. "I can get the papers ready."

"Okay, I'm going to talk to them." She said and went into the room as the other lady left. "Hi boys, I'm Mrs. Choi."

Taemin pulled Key closer and glared at Mrs. Choi. He didn't let anyone near them, especially Key, who never left his side.

"I'm not going to hurt you. You're going to stay with me for a while."

Taemin shook his head. "We don't want to go with you." He said harshly. He didn't trust anyone, but Key.

"You two would have your own bedroom. I have two boys. They're really nice." She said.

Taemin looked at Key, then back at Mrs. Choi. "Fine..."

"Why don't you two pack your things?" She said.

Taemin nodded. He took Key to their room and they packed up their things. He held Key's hand as they walked back out. They only had a few clothes and some books.

Key looked at the ground, letting Taemin lead him.

"We're ready." Taemin said.

Mrs Choi had signed the proper paper work while they were packing. "Let's go then."

Taemin nodded. They followed her to her car and they soon were heading to their new home. Key was getting nervous since he didn't like new places.

Taemin noticed. "It's going to be okay. I'll protect you."

Key looked at his brother with tears in his eyes.

Taemin frowned and held him. "I won't let anyone hurt us again, I promise." He said, stroking his older brother's back softly.

When Key broke down, Taemin took the lead as the big brother. Even though he was younger by two years, he watched and took care of his brother.

Key leaned into his arms. Taemin held him close. They soon got to the house.

Taemin held Key's hand and had him close to him. He looked around at their surroundings. Key hid behind Taemin and clung to him.

"Come on in boys. My children are still at school and my husband is at work." Mrs. Choi said.

The boys followed her in.

"Where's our room?" Taemin asked.

"It's at the end of the hall. It's only got one bed right now, but it's a queen. I can get a bunk bed though." She said, walking them to the room. "It's got its own bathroom with a shower."

"It's okay. Key and I will sleep together." Taemin said.

She opened the door to a large room. It had a huge bed with a desk, dresser, two night stands and a TV. "The bathroom is fully stocked. You shouldn't need anything. Let me go find some of my boy's old clothes that will fit you."

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