Miss You - Introduction

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⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ Most of this is NOT true.

I liked two girls. But now they act badass and ignore me all of the time. We used to be friends, but I guess they were fake.

That's just what I tend to think all the time. Maybe this story needs a better intro. You can call me Lary. I'm pansexual and nothing can really change my interests. I know that I like girls and boys because I feel things for both of them, plus when I was five, I had this weird habit and I dreamt about girls, but that conversation is for another day.

I used to date a girl named Anna, but it didn't go well. She moved on quickly and started dating a girl named Aloha. I've liked Aloha for two years now. I'm completely over Anna... Matter of fact, she dated another girl named Kaylee. She's a sweet girl, actually.

I'd say Aloha was my friend, until a bad thing happened, a lot of drama, all I have to say. I definitely regretted taking the blame for it because I really wanted to be her friend. Anna was my friend in elementary, so I thought, but I think she "got into the hands of the wrong people." So now we don't text nor talk. I have my own ways of dealing with that. I already have people who care about me so I don't need anyone hating on me when I have those people.

People tell me that I've changed. I know that's the truth. I used to be the quiet type. The nice type. Whatever you would like to call it. I would ignore people that I don't want to waste time with. I've noticed the some of the world finally, and this is what the world did to me. I became depressed, people might call me emo. I like wearing my hood most of the time and listen to a lot of music. I am accepted by this group of people at school that I call my school family. Destiny is my mom. She is caring most of the times, funny at the rest. She helps me with my problems and she's there when I need help. Brennen is my brother. He is funny and we really do love each other. He'd be there when I need the best, I'd be there for him too. He has my back most of the time and for the rest, he makes me laugh. I'd call him more of a brother and we always accept each other no matter what. Jesse is my aunt. She is someone that I can talk to whenever I would like. She always listens. She would hear me whenever I whisper and everyone else is talking. I'm glad to have someone that I can talk to. Da'ja is my other Aunt. She gives me food sometimes and we usually do a lot of things together. If one of us is struggling, we're there to help each other. Lastly, Wyott. He is my cousin. Jesse calls him her son. I give Wyott my jello most of the time when he asks. I call him cuz. These are the people I go to when I need someone at school. I'm happy that I have someone who will always have my back at school. They also help me with my depression. They are a psychotic group of people, but that's how I fit in. I call Jesse pennywise because she's pretty much pennywise. We are a depressing and somewhat suicidal group, but we help each other whenever we're depressed. That's pretty much how we're still alive.

If that's not a good introduction, I don't know what is.

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