Part 4 - My Bullies

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I dreamt about Anna. "You're so dead." She said. I run towards Brennen's house. I knock and he opens the door. "What's wrong?!" He asks. "I'll tell you later! Just let me in!" I yell. He gets out of the doorway and I run in. I quickly slam the door. Then, I hear loud knockings. "Open the door!!!!" I hear Anna yell. "Don't." I whisper to Brennen. "I know you're in there!" Anna yells again, "I'll get you someday!" She knocks harder. Brooklyn runs downstairs. "Who the fuck is at the door?!" She yells at us. "Ignore it!" Brennen yells at her. Anna knocks once more and I sigh. "Do you really wanna know what happened?" I ask Brennen. He nods. I sigh and say, "I told Anna that Aloha hates her and now Anna wants to kill me." He sighs. "You're safe here until she leaves. You better hope Anna didn't wake up my dad." He tells me. I nod, "Yeah, I sure hope so."

I wake up the next morning. My neck hurts from the way I was laying. "That was a weird dream." I think. Brennen was already awake, eating some cereal. "Hey." He says smiling. I smile back. I decide to get up and walk over to the table. "How'd you sleep?" I ask him. "The same." He shrugs, "You?" "I had a weird dream, about Anna, you, and weirdly, Brooklyn." I tell him. He laughs. "Lemme guess, Brooklyn was being an asshole." "I heard that!" I hear Brooklyn yell from upstairs. "You know it's true!" He yells back. I laugh and reply, "Pretty much." Brennen asks me if I want cereal and I nod. "Sure." I reply. He sits two cereal boxes down. I pick the one I want and he gets me a bowl. I pour my cereal into the bowl while he gets the milk. "I can do it." I tell him because he starts opening the top. "If you say so, Nub." He replies. I smile because he haven't called me that in awhile. We finish our cereal and get ready for school. He notices that I don't have anything to wear so he hands me a jacket and a pair of ripped jeans. "Just wear this. The jacket was from last year and I hardly wear those jeans." He tells me. I smile and go upstairs to the bathroom. I hardly go to his house so I'm surprised that I remember where the bathroom is. I slide off my jeans and slide the ones he gave me on. I then put on the jacket. I smile because it smells like his cologne. When I'm done, I head downstairs. When he sees me, he grins. "I Didn't know that would fit you well." He replies. I try my best not to laugh, but laugh a little. I remember that I brought my phone and pick it up. I play You Me At Six's song, "Cold Night" And then put my phone in the jackets pocket. "I didn't know you liked YMAS." He said. "I love them. They're my favorite band." I tell him smiling. We head out of the door and walk to school together. He starts a conversation about Aloha and Anna for some reason, and I change the topic to Anna I. And Alyssa because he likes them. That conversation turns into a "Who you like" topic. We kept on smiling and I got lost because I knew I liked him, he liked me. We finally spilled and said, "I like you. Actually."
I smiled at him, then looked down. My thoughts then went wild. I wished that he'd already ask me out. I wished that he knew that we were supposed to be together. I knew that I'd do anything for him. We finally walked in silence, listening to music. When we got to the school, he actually opened the door for me. He never did that actually, so I was surprised. I saw Anna and her friends staring at us. I rolled my eyes at them and he made me laugh. I thought that Anna was jealous, but I then thought that she really was mad. I knew she was gonna end up doing something.

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