Chapter 7

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You slowly woke up from the Inn keeper's voice, telling you to wake up. You slowly sat up but then groaned in pain and tried orientate where you are. 'Okay first of all, why did I agree with Link to sleep in Goron City? It's so hot. And you have to fricking sleep on a bed rock.' you sighed as you felt around then slowly got off the bed and felt for Link's bed that was next to you but it was empty. "Link?" you called as you slowly started to panick a bit which caused you to not be able to orientate where you are right now so you were literally feeling for something in panick until someone pulled you in a not so comfortable hug (because you are wearing a fire resitant armor).
"Hey calm down, I'm here don't worry...I'm not leaving your side." Link said in a soft and calming voice, making you sigh in relief and smile slightly. He then slowly pulled away and gently took your hand and lead you outside of the Inn and you can't help but blush brightly at that.


After saying good bye to Bludo and Yunobo, you both left the Goron City. Link was still holding your hand and made sure you won't trip and fall and you felt so many butterflies flutter in your stomach whenever he reassured you that you'll be fine. Let's just say, being somewhere you never went to is not really your favorite.
Once you finally arrived at a safe area where you can't die from heat, you quickly took the armor off and took a deep breath of air. "FINALLY! I thought I was going to die back there!" you huffed and dropped your armor to the ground, not that you care. "Stop beibg dramatic, it wasn't that bad." Link chuckled and also took his armor off and magically put it somewhere while you struggled to pick yours up but Link quickly helped you, making you pout but didn't argue with him, knowing he wouldn't let you carry it alone. Both of you started to walk and even if Link wasn't holding you, even though you wished he was, you didn't have a problem of following him because of the metal of the armor kept makibg a sound whenever he walked, plus his footsteps. Not. Until you suddenly fell into a large puddle of warm water which caused Link to look behind then let out a small giggle. You growled and puffed your cheeks as he started to laugh. You mimicked him, since you were obviously annoyed now for some reason, maybe because Link laughed at you for tripping. With a sigh, you picked the pieces of your armor up and walked past him but then you got pulled back by him. "Wrong path~" he giggled, making you growl more in annoyance but let Link lead you anyway.

When you arrived at the Foothill stable which was only a few minutes away from where you fell and put the things down on the table and left it there since you borrowed it from someone. And of course you don't want to search for that someone because duh, you are blind. So you just sat down outside on the ground and sitting against a tree. Hey, it wasn't easy to find that tree. Soon enough, Link joined you and sat down next to you. "I will be so happy when all of this is over..." he sighed and stretched while you looked at his direction. "Where do you have to go now?" you asked in curiosity. "I have to go to the Rito Village and yeah.." he responded. It was quiet for a moment after you hummed quietly in responce until Link spoke up again. "So..before I asked you to come with me..I was walking around the area from Death Mountain. I went to that one spot I have on a picture on my Sheikah Slate and I remembered my past...and you were in it." You furrowed your brows in thought but you didn't remember being around Death Mountain and Link started to continue. "Well...that girl, Zelda, was with me that day. Apparently I was fighting off monsters and I got many injuries. After Zelda told me not to strain myself, I heard you scream and I saw you run up to me and you suddenly hugged me while a few lower ranked Bokoblin's followed you.." he giggled at the memory and you cringed slightly at that when you remembered, mostly because you were scared of Bokoblins. "I was just scared because I didn't have a weapon" you huffed. "Suuree" he giggled and smiled while you just crossed your arms and turned to look away. It was quiet again. It wasn't awkward nor did it have any tension, it was this calming silence. You both just sat there and listened to the birds singing, horses making noises, wind blowing and someone screaming. Wait.
You quickly stood up when you heard someone scream, making Link aware and stand up too. "What is it? Is something wrong?" You shushed him and listened until you heard someone scream again. You quickly grabbed Link's wrist and dragged him to where their screams come from and hoping that they would scream again, which they did until Link quickly pulled you back. "Hey! I am tryibg to save someone's life!" you shouted and tried to pull him away. "More like trying to kill yourself! You were about to run and jump off a cliff!" He shouted back and that made you shut up until "HELP ME!" someone who sounded like a girl screamed. You were about to run but Link beated you to that and now he was the one dragging you around and almost make you trip. He then came to a halt and you ended up bumping into him and groan. You didn't know what was going on but Link was quiet,too quiet and that made you worry. Link then slowly let go of you and you can hear him sneak around. You bit your lip since you didn't know where you are or if you should move or not, but you did move anyway and you heard,what sounded like many surprised bokoblins, then a screetch. You gulped and quickly grabbed your Ancient Sword and prepared yourself,but nothing happened...well to you. Link was fighting off the enemies with ease until he had to fight with a few black and blue ones and one silver bokoblin.
Suddenly you could hear movements behind you and heavy breathing, you quickly turned around and stabbed it or someone but it was obvious that it wasn't a someone. It was a bokoblin who got the chance to sneak behind you. It screetched and soon it turned into black and purple smoke. You panted heavily even though you didn't fight much, you still got scared and got your adrenalin pumping in your blood.
Soon enough, the fight was over and Link was a panting and tired mess but he recovered when the girl walked up to him and thanked him a lot. For some reason, you got jealous even if she was just showing how thankful she was, you just didn't like it. You soon walked up to them and hugged Link's arm, making him look at you in confusion. The girl stopped and finally got the message when she saw your glare and she quickly apologized and gave Link a some kind of potion before she left.
"What was that all about?" he asked as you let go and huffed. "Let's just go, it's getting late" you mumbled and started to walk.  Link sighed and grab your hand and lead you to the right direction while you blushed darkly in embarrassment and pouted.
'Cute...' Link thought and smiled.

I have a feeling this story is getting really boring...oof. I don't really have any ideas in between. I only have ideas for the ending but I don't want to be someone who just writes tons of crap and be all quick and stuff.
Well anyway,have this boring chapter ^^'

Edit: I just realized I made so many mistakes. Well I wrote it at 3 am soooo
- Ina

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