Chapter 1: A Loose Cannon

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"Tina stop! Stop it! You aren't hurting anyone except yourself, stop!"

Sometimes emotions get the best of us.

July 1926 - New York, New York

       Porpetina Goldstein, accomplished Auror, brilliant mind, and stern sister picked up her brown box and secured it in her grasp. The box was filled to the brim with files, desk supplies, a picture frame, and her wand was sticking out of it on the left side. She glanced down at the now empty desk and lifted her gaze to trail it along her neighbors, each eye she caught quickly shifted back down to the paperwork in front of them or looked in a foreign direction. Tina pursed her lips sourly and began walking away from them and she could feel the stares begin to build behind her as she walked toward Graves' office down the hallway.

Percival Graves, her stern but reasonable boss had his door cracked open just enough where he could see everyone and monitor his Auror's actions. In his office sat his secretary Evelyn Brosse, and his Assistant Director, Josephine Goldstein, Tina's sister, older by one year.

"Grindelwald is on the move. They've narrowed his location to somewhere around the Baltic Sea but we aren't sure on the specific location, so Picquery advises against any missions or any assistance from London or Paris." Evelyn discussed with them as she went over notes from a meeting the two top Auror's missed that morning. They had been dealing with deserting wizards for the last month, those missions took up a majority of their time.

"They think he might be-" the sound of a throat clearing and the door creaking open alerted the three that they had a visitor.

"Ms. Goldstein, I see you've packed up your things." Graves looked from the box to Tina who nodded in compliance with the question.

"Yes. I was just going to tell you that I was leaving." Tina spoke up, keeping her eyes on Graves, not looking at Josephine or Evelyn.

Graves straightened up from his hunched over position on his desk and smoothed out his waistcoat and approached Tina.

It was to no ones blind eye that Percival Graves was a handsome man. He was tall, fair, fit, and dressed impeccably well. The women in MACUSA always gossiped about his looks and his life every chance they got. He walked with authority but one that was stern yet personable, if one really got to know him, they were sure he would be one hell of a guy to have a whiskey with.

"I appreciate all the work you've done here Tina. I'm sorry things had to be as they are." Graves shook her hand as she tried to steady the box with one hand.

"I understand Sir." Tina replied and Josephine walked over, her heels making soft taps on the marble floor as her navy blue dress swayed around her legs where it rested below her knees.

Josephine looked like the authority figure she was hired as, a true match for Percival Graves and the system MACUSA ran. The men swooned over her too, and perhaps some of the women as well.

"Tina, I'm sorry it has to be this way. You deserve better." Josephine tried to comfort her but Tina didn't want her sympathy.

"I'm sure I will fit into my new position just fine. I don't need any pity, Ms. Goldstein." Tina almost spat her sister's authoritative name. Tina then turned and walked out of the Law Enforcement office and down 20 floors, to the Wand Permit Office, where she now worked as an officer.

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