The Play is Still Happening?!?

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"Here I am! Walking through the door like a normal person!" All Might exclaimed.

"Nobody walks through doors like that except you!" Bakugo yelled.

"Like. A. Normal. Person." All Might boldly said again. :)

"O-Okay..." Bakugo mumbled as flashbacks of All Might's previous wins against villains played in his mind.

"Now that that is over, we have a play to get to!"

"WHAT!?!" The entire class screamed. Even Todoroki jumped a little bit.

"Now now; I understand that a villain attack has recently happened but do not worry. You are going to perform in front of us pro heroes and some of our close friends."

"Whew..." The class was slightly relieved until Mineta asked a question that everyone wanted to know the answer to. 

"How are we going to decide the roles?"

"Simple! We will be choosing at random!"

"Uhhhhgggg..." The class had mixed emotions about this method of choosing characters. Some people like Mineta were excited to have the chance of being a main character. Others like Todoroki hated the chance that they might get the spotlight.  Izuku was kind of neutral. He wouldn't hate someone for getting a lead role. he would encourage them to do their best. If he did get a lead, he would try to cheer up those around him.

"The role of Juliet will go to... Uraraka-san!"

Instantly, Izuku nearly turned into a Mineta. He sat back and crossed his fingers, hoping that lady luck was on his side.

"The role of Romeo will go to... Sero-Kun!"

Hanta was actually really excited to be Romeo. As he looked around the room with a face of victory, he saw Izuku with an odd look on his face. Izuku didn't even know that he was doing it. He was caught in his own thoughts. Other students saw him too. They all suddenly remembered the mistake that Izuku made during reading. Hanta could tell that Izuku really wanted this role. So he decided to take a chance.

Sorry sir but could you redraw?"

"Why's that?"

"I'm actually pretty bad with lines and I don't relate well with the romantic type."


"Thank you, sir." 

"The new role of Romeo will be... Midoriya-kun!"

Instantly, as if by magic, Izuku went from gloomy to full smiles. He didn't know why Sero gave up the role. He wasn't listening, but he was happy with it and thanked Sero later. As he started to walk away from him, Sero started another conversation.

"Hey, Midoriya!"

"What is it Sero?"

"Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"You are going to give us a good show!"

"Thanks! I hope I put on a good performance!"

"Oh I know you will..." and he walked away.

Izuku was thinking that Sero was talking about the final product of the play. However, Sero was actually talking about the countless times Izuku would get flustered after saying a romantic line to Ochako.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku, being an overachiever to the max, had memorized all of his lines in just under 24 hours. Apparently, studying while working out is a great 2 for 1 deal. He came to school ready to deliver lines. All of the other leads didn't really take much initiative in learning their lines. People took advantage of this and started to tease him. Kirishima was up first.

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