Just do it!

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Maddy's POV

It's beautiful here, It's only been a week but I feel at home. Me and Skyler have been out on the beach every afternoon, So we have been burned for like a week straight. Skyler made up this thing since we look like Lobsters she says "Lobsters for life" Have I mentioned she's a total dork! Now were just laying in our pool drinking some fancy stuff that I bought, to be totally honest I'm not sure what it is but it tastes like heaven. "Omg LOOK" Skyler said, breaking my gaze by motioning tword the beach, and Oh my fugesicles there was a smoking hot guy running out of the water. I guess Skyler noticed me Staring and said "Girl If you don't I will" and gave me a wink, I rolled my eyes and got up walking tword the beach.

As I walked up to the water that guy took noticed and walk up to me. I couldn't breath for like 5 seconds straight. Then he said "Hey are you ok? Just in that moment I about fainted! "Uh yeah I'm fine" I said and he looked me top to bottom, I felt as if I was on display and Immediately walked further into the water and he followed. "Hey I don't think I caught your name by the way" I turn around and say "Maddy, Maddy Livingston." He smirked and said "Nick, Nick Coltrane." I smiled "Nice to meet you Nick" He smirked and splashed me I squiled and  splashed him back. "The pleasure is all mine" he said as we were walking back to the shore.

This guy! We exchanged numbers and I walked back to Skyler noticing she had a camera pointing at me and said " For your kids Duh" I laughed and we talked for awhile before we went to go take some picture's for Instagram. Before I knew it, it was already 10:23 I took a shower and changed into some Pajamas, me and Skyler stayed up watching "The Vampire Diarys" we both passed out.

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