💚Chapter 4💚

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Hagrid walked beside Harry as they made their way towards the common bookstores. Hagrid suddenly stopped, and faced the confused Harry with a smile. "Yer 'mazing, 'arry." At Harry's confused look, he continued to elaborate, "Yer were 'ble to make the g'blins come to yer side 'asily!"
Harry had a look of understanding, and said "Well, goblins always wanted to be respected. However wizards and witches of all blood types refused to respect them. As such, goblins look at wizards, who had given them a 'Dark Creature' label, with hatred. Show them respect and they'll help you. Besides, they're quite nice. In my previous life, when I was declared as a Dark Lord, the goblins, and many other creatures, took our side. Sadly, they all ended up dead and extinct."
Hagrid was quite surprised at this.

After shopping for most of their needs, all that was left was robes, Hedwig and a wand. Harry had a feeling that his wand would have changed due to the fact of now being the master of death. Harry walked towards the Madam Malkins shop for his robe while Hagrid went to get Hedwig. He entered the room and was pushed towards the fitting room by Madam Malkins after saying he needed Hogwarts robes. He stood next to a very familiar friend, one he'd been itching to meet.

The blonde hair boy turned towards Harry and said, "You going to Hogwarts?"
Harry just nodded, slightly confused as to why Draco asked him that.
"Me too. The name's Malfoy by the way, Draco Malfoy."
"And I'm getting slightly worried about you."
Draco simply laughed and looked at Harry once again, "I was hoping to recreate our first meeting. Thought it would be fun."
"It was more concerning than fun for me."
"That's because you are too stiff."
"And that's coming from you?"
Both boys laughed heartily. They started to catch up on what had happened after the last time they met. It seemed that Mr and Mrs Malfoy understood the situation and wholeheartedly agreed to help Harry, while keeping the portrait of the 2 Potters at home. Harry couldn't wait to meet them, at least this time it would be in better terms.
Once they were done being fitted, the 2 boys exited the building and faced the Malfoys and Hagrid. Hagrid gave Harry Hedwig, while the Malfoys stared at Hagrid with cold eyes. Harry, seeing this, decided to intervene, "Death told me the Hagrid was being controlled to do all the things he did. He was being drowned in submission spells towards and by Dumbledore that, during the second wizarding war, his mind and body found it 'natural' to obey Dumbledore without the spells."
A look of understanding dawned upon the 3 Malfoys and Mr Malfoy said, "I've heard of cases like that before. Nasty cases. I'm glad you're alright Hagrid."
Hagrid beemed, " 'arry 'ere just 'bout fixed me and removed 'll the nasty spells, 'e did!"
Mr and Mrs Malfoy shook Hagrids hands, and then turned to face Harry, "It's nice to meet you, again I suppose. Your parents have been waiting to meet you" Mr Malfoy said.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, in better conditions this time."
Mrs Malfoy suddenly had an idea, "Why don't you come over to our house for the day? You can come over any time you want."
Harry looked at Draco, who looked backed, and both smiled while replying "That's great!"

They laughed as the gang made their way towards the wand shop, while casting a spell to make people see an illusion of them walking far from each other. Harry and Draco had their wands made personally (at the request of Mr Malfoy, Ollivanders made their wands based on the wood and cores that picked Harry and Draco). For Harry it was, as Harry predicted, different from his last life. This one was Elder and Yew, 11 and a 1/2 inches, with a feather from a Dark phoenix and basilisk venom. A very powerful wand made for the dark arts.
Draco was next - 10 inches, Cherry wood and Blackthorn, with venom from the Peruvian Vipertooth dragon.

By the time they were done shopping, Mr and Mrs Malfoy took the two boys, along with Sal the snake and Hedwig, home while Hagrid went to give a false report to the " ol' coot". Harry realised that, since Sal was still in his pocket, no one saw Sal. He made it a point to introduce Sal to the Malfoys and his parent's portrait that night, and show Hagrid later.

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