💚Chapter 7💚

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Draco and Harry, with the help of Fred and George, snuck out of Hogwarts and was about to leave the premises when a voice stopped them,
"Just where do you think you 2 are going?"
They turned to the voice and saw Professor Snape.
"Nowhere professor" Merlin Harry sucked at lying.
Snape raised his eyebrows.
"Uncle Sevy, -" Draco said "- does anyone else know of us sneaking out?"
"No, why?"
"Well, you'll see."

Draco, as instructed by Life, held out his hand which was taken by a confused Snape. Soon enough, Snape saw Draco's memories. Every single one of them.
He fell to the floor, with tears, "I trusted that old coot!"
Draco and Harry comforted Snape. Soon enough, Snape regained his composure and asked his initial question again.
"We are going to Emilia Bones and showing her my memories so that we can free Sirius. We also have an appointment with Rita Skeeter at the same time so that this news can be published soon."
"What about Pettigrew?"
"We will help him out of Azkaban."
"So, you put him in there and then get him out?"
"Him and Bellatrix, and we will place face bodies there."
"Death and Life are helping."

Snape noticed a bulge in Harry's robe pocket and asked about that. Then, out came Sal, hissing at Snape.
"So, this is Sal..."
'Issss thisss the Greassssy Haired Professssssor that was a double agent?' Sal hissed to Harry.
'Yep' Harry confirmed.

Snape, understandably shocked by the sudden appearance of the snake, pinched his huge nose and let out a sigh. He was getting way too old to handle Potter and his godson Draco. To be fair, they are, mentally, older than him. Snape took out a vial from his pocket and presented it to the kids. The vial contained what looked like to be a liquidised form of the galaxy and bright shining stars. It was breathtaking. He handed it to Draco who looked at him with sparkles in his eyes.
"Is this what I think it is, Uncle Sevy?!"
"Amazingly, yes. I completed it today. I didn't even want to make it until I heard what probably sounded like Life from your memories telling me what to mix and, well, here it is. Take it, Merlin knows you'll need it."

"What is it?" Harry asked, completely confused.

"The Mythime Potion. Named mostly because it's a time-based potion, and was thought to be a myth. The Ancient Indians believed that there was a potion that could help a person achieve total invisibility and recognize wizards who are under invisibility cloaks or spells. The Wizard-Mathematician Hemechand was the first to come up with a possible potion, but he died before he could find the answer. His potions were great, but not to the level of what the Indians wanted to achieve. The translated all his works and compiled it into a book, which was studied for decades. The rest of the Wizarding World took notice and tried to study and solve it. However, since no one could figure out how to go further, they discarded it and labelled it as a myth." Draco exclaimed excitedly.

"One drop of this potion-" Severus said "-will last you two hours. You can get in and out of and barrier, even Hogwarts, easily. Too much, however, will make you invisible for life, a ghost. You can see, but you cannot do anything, not even lift or hold anything. People's memories of you will fade into oblivion, and they won't remember you at all. It's a one-way ticket to eternal hell."

"You should keep it, Draco, I don't trust myself with that." Harry said, and his snake nodded in agreement. Severus wished them good luck and went back to his office, relieved that he didn't show it to Dumbledore, who he meant to surprise it with. Sitting down urgently, he took a quill and a scroll quickly, writing an urgent "we need to talk" message to McGonagall. He called out for his bat, Vamp to deliver the message secretly. Thank Merlin he never mentioned that he bought a bat to Dumbledore.

He wondered what McGonagall would think, or do, when he tells her. At the very least, she might send him to a mental asylum halfway across the world. He chuckled a bit, before preparing to brew tea (with a calming potion in it) for when he tells McGonagall. At least, with the calming potion, he was certain she would not try to do anything drastic.

Then again, Gryffindors always end up doing something drastic, even if they were tortured or backed up in a corner or just anything. He could still remember the day he secretly entered the mind of Voldemort for half a minute, before he noticed, so as to see how Lily died and reprimand himself further. Instead, he saw James' death who, when Voldemort was about to kill him, said "I don't need my wand to hit you on your nose! Oh wait, you don't have one so I already won!!"

That bloody idiot.

Next chapter will be the escape.
Please, please, remind me to write the next chapter.
Thanks girls and guys!!
Ja nee ~

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