Sassy girl

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There will be cursing in this chapter. Only 3 words will be used.

Something I need to add about (Y/N)'s personality. Her attitude will change completely for awhile. Later in the chapter she'll explain this.

~~(Y/N) POV~~
After what felt like an eternity in the shower, I finally decided it was time to get out.
I wrapped my (F/C) towel around me, as I stepped out of the shower. My phone was still playing the song. It was on an 2 hour lpop the whole time. And there was only 15 minuets left.

Grabbing my phone off of the counter and turning the song off, I sat down on the edge of the tub. I went threw all of my notifications that I'd gotten in the past 2 hours.
"Whoa. Two hours of showering must've been so relaxing." Said a deep voice. I already knew who it was, so I wasn't scared or surprised. Just highly annoyed.

"What the hell do you want?!" I said, not looking up from my phone. Now I'm even more irritated because I almost died on my favorite game. "How about.... a kiss?" He seductively said as his voice became closer.

Is this guy serious? Why in the world would I kiss some random guy? And who knows where his lips have been.

"How 'bout no? I'm not about to kiss some random stranger who's stalking me. And I have no idea where those lips have been. Now do me a favor and leave me alone." I said. Him, still being annoying, pulled out a black leather chair from nowhere and revealed himself.

I paused my game and looked up at him. The chair was backwards and his legs were out. And his hands were folded at the top of the seat, giving his chin a place to rest.
"Damn! Since when did you become so sassy? I remember you being vary timid and scared when you saw me. And now..... you're this." He says.

"Well then, I guess you should get used to this for awhile." I replied. "And just what do you mean by that? Don't tell me you're going to be like this forever?!" He joked.

"Hahaha. You're hilarious." I sarcastically replied. "And for the record, no this is little faze. It lasts no longer than 3 hours."
"So I can only guess that by you knowing this, that it's happening before, right?" He asked. "Yes." I plainly replied. "Every time I get out of the shower."

"I like this new attitude of yours. It's better then the one you had before." He stated, then smirked."Well then, I guess I'll be seeing you after every shower from now on."
God I swear this guy is such a pervert. Speaking of, I should really put on some clothes. Though I'm not 100% dry yet.

"Okay. Now it's time for you to go." I said, standing up to my feet.
Hope the chapter wasn't too trashy!
Anyway, until next week!
Word count:511

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