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~~Adrien POV~~
When Ms.(L/N) and I were done talking about 'feelings', I asked if I could go visit (Y/N)'s room. She said it's fine, and went into the kitchen. Upon my arrival in (Y/N)'s room, I noticed how strange it felt in here without her. The aura of the room was so depressing. As if it, too, was mourning (Y/N)'s disappearance.

I sat down on her bed, feeling the soft sensation of the springy mattress. Looking around the lifeless room, I reminisced (Y/N)'s and my best memories here.
I remember when (Y/N) was hiding under her blanket, just watching some anime, or a Japanese drama. She was SO mad when I pulled the covers off of her.

If I remember correctly, I think it went something like.....

"Hey (Y/N). What a–"
"Shhhhhhhhh! Shut up! I'm watching Netflix." She whisper-yelled. "I thought you invited me here to talk?" I said, sitting down in a (F/C) beanbag.

"Yeah, well. You took too long to get here, so I started to watch Netflix." She stated. "Now shhh!"
"Seriously....." I mumbled to myself.

A few moments later, I thought of a plan to get her attention.
I looked outside of the door frame to check if (Y/N)'s mom was wondering around. Ms.(Y/N) seemed to be in her room.

Fully stepping back into (Y/N)'s room, I took off my shirt, and tossed it onto the floor.
"Hey (Y/N)~ Look at what I found~" I said in a slight seductive voice.

(Y/N) started to pull the covers from over her head, about to complain again.
"What do yo....." She trailed off, her gaze clearly on my bare chest.

A full 7 seconds of silent staring passed until I yelled. "DOG-PILE!" (Y/N)'s eyes instantly widened when she knew what I was about to do. The last thing I heard her mumble was, "...Oh shit.....".
Only giving her a moment to process, I tackled (Y/N) in her bed.
~~Flashback over~~
I let out a small chuckle. Standing up, I walked over to (Y/N)'s (F/C) beanbag and sat down.
"Haaa..." I relaxed in the plush seat. "Good times."

Sorry I didn't update last week. You know what he says-
"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." – Jack Kerouac

So I waited until I could come up with a scene to contribute to my main storyline.
If you have the time, go to my page and see what I posted. It contains the promises, along with the downsides, I made regarding this book.

That is all I have to say.
Until next week!

Word count:466

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