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   Ah I remember it like it was yesterday. Oh sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Cole Evans. I am currently going into my Sophomore year in High School, to be exact Blue Water High. I've been going through all of this with my best friend Jackson Davis. We have been through a lot together through out the years. We met in 4th grade. Now back to were I was, I remember it like yesterday. We met in the classroom when we were doing icebreakers. The question was What was our favorite video game. We both raised our hands and said Mario. I know that it wasn't that popular but I enjoyed the feeling of getting lost into this world where I can ignore everything in life and hit the restart button when the game was over. Now I feel like you get a better understanding of where I'm coming from now, not yet? Okay well we have the same address just different street names. We both have dogs named Buddy. It was like something told us we were meant to be friends. But one huge thing that is different from the both of us is that I am on a higher scale than him money wise..I don't want to sound rude but he's poor and I'm rich. Oh and one more thing, I'm gay.

    I feel like I've talked about myself way to much, now lets talk about Jackson. Well he is a "bad boy" and he is part of the cool kids at school. But after school he is a sweetheart. Durning school he is a different person. He sits around with almost every single cool kid in the school. He can easily get into a relationship. Its like he has people waiting in a line for him (you see I didn't say the gender, major key) so he basically can never go lonely. He is an honors student like me but he doesn't really pay attention in class so that why I think I'm his tutor also. Anyways..he skips class, he is in every sport. He is basically a girls dream man. Oh and do I have to tell you about his body? Oh he works out a lot. He is so "hot". Okay to be honest, I kinda have a crush on him. The worst part is that he doesn't know I'm gay, and he doesn't talk about girls that much. He doesn't talk about his love interest at all to be honest. All he ever talks about is jerking off and watching porn. I guess he could be gay...or bi...or asexual..I don't know.

  Well of course since you know a bit about us I guess we should start with the story. 

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