Chapter 3: Ciriley's POV

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After receiving a sharp glare from Blakely, Bradley continued to telling us stuff about himself. So far he's 19 and he graduated high-school early and wanted to teach students humanities and of course he went to college for teaching.

Brad gave us free time for the rest of the period. Everyone chatted amongst themselves. While Brad sneaked glances at me. He waved me to comeover before I could stand up, Blakely scurried in her 8 inch heels and tight dress over to him. Asking him questions about irrelevant things. He seemed to not be interested in talking her. He gave her nothing but short answers. He stared intensely at me awaiting for me to come up to his desk. Shortly, Blakely followed his eyes to where he was looking and she glared even harder at me and mouthed to me slowly. " I'm going to beat your ass you slut".

I rolled my eyes, and glared back.I want to leave class, you know what, I'm going to leave. Since I know, I'll probably get in trouble from walking out. I raised my hands, and with a sweet, buttercup tone, I asked permission to leave. Of course, I was granted permisson because he seemed to be infatuated with me. Not that I would care, because boys are no-no, especially teacher/grown ass men. No matter how attractive he is.

After I left the classroom with my belongings, I headed straight to the abandoned art room. The art room is the tranquility of the abandaoned room is calming. But the peace was short lived, when Brad walked in. I knew he was in the room, when I heard the door close. I rolled my eyes and sighed, now annoyed at the fact that he invaded my privacy.

He cleared his throat, I finally turned to him.

"Yes?, don't you have a class to look over."

He chuckled, "Actually they have free time, I trust that they'll make good decisions."

"Yeah okay, I'll just be going then. I'll see you later."

"I came to ask you something, not to invade your business or whatever.."


"I saw the intense eye contact you and Blakely shared, when I was introduced, I don't like it at all. If there's anything you need to tell me, you can okay?"

"I don't need a superman to come save me, I'm not a charity case, I appreciate it and all but, your a little too late for that now. Yeah?"

"Yeah but-"

"Okay then, I'll see you later, bye."

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