[4] attacked

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jeongguk was always one to sleep in, taehyung knew that since the first time he slept over years ago. eleven year old taehyung was hungry, but wanted to wait for jeongguk to wake up so they could eat together. taehyung ended up waiting until twelve to eat, the poor boy was starving.

but taehyung was an early bird, always up before the sun was. taehyung was more comfortable and ate whenever he wanted. after the third time he stayed with jeongguk, he no longer cared. plus, his parent always told him to help himself to anything he wanted.

he opened the door to jeongguks room and looked around. jeongguk was a deep sleeper so he probably wouldn't hear taehyung either. "eh, i want to snoop around." taehyung muttered to himself, not caring if jeongguk woke up or not. taehyung was always nosy, too, wanting to know other peoples business.

he walked over to one of his drawers and saw papers, but he didn't care about those, so he closed it. the second drawer, and the rest, had clothes in it and an endless amount of white t-shirts. taehyung walked into his closet, and the clothes in their and he had a bit more color than white.

he noticed a box in the corner, and he took a look back at jeongguk who was still sleeping soundly. he opened the box and almost started wheezing. there was a fleshlight that had obviously been used recently, and taehyung snickered. "poor jeonggukie. sexually frustrated because he doesn't have a girlfriend."

he closed the box and looked at the floor where some of his shoes were laid out. taehyung chucked, same pair of timbs, what else did i expect?

feeling satisfied in snooping around, taehyung turned back to the front of the closet, where the door was. he expected jeongguk to still be sleeping, but instead he found the sheets empty, no sign of jeongguk anywhere. he felt his heart drop slightly. taehyung stood in silence, trying to hear where jeongguk was in the house. he heard his footsteps go to the guest room, and taehyung took that chance to run out of jeongguks room and down the stairs.

but instead, he slipped on the wooden stairs and hit his head. jeongguk heard this and immediately ran to him. "taehyung are you okay?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

taehyung groaned quietly before squinting his eyes to look at jeongguk, "yeah, it's probably just a small bump."

"why were you running anyways?"

"it's nothing. don't worry about it." taehyung stated, giving him an innocent smile.


"are you going to be a youtuber?"

"taehyung-oppa is so handsome~"

"what're your plans for the next comeback?"

"will you have a new hair color?"

"v notice me!"

"are you in a relationship with jeongguk?"

taehyung was being mobbed. literally. there was about fifty people surrounding him, blinding him with the flashes of their cameras and phones. this wasn't uncommon, it happened almost every time he was out in public. but luckily, jeongguk was with him this time, shielding him from people who got too close.

they were going to the store to get a few snacks and a camera for taehyung, and once they got their things, fans and paparazzi immediately surrounded them.

"dammit!" cursed jeongguk, then shoved one of the paparazzi out of the way to get to the car, the said male fell to the floor, but neither of them cared. they took a chance to start running to jeongguks car, and successfully, they made it and immediately sped out of there.

both of their pants were the only sound in the car, and taehyung relaxed against the chair, still trying to catch his breath. jeongguk opened a window to catch some air, and it eventually calmed both of them down.

"damn, i can't imagine what it would've been like without me there." jeongguk started, and taehyung started laughing at him.

"pretty hard, jeonggukie, pretty hard." he replied, then took his brand new camera from the plastic bag and smiled at it. "do you think i could be a vlogger just like you?"

"yeah, but never with as many followers as me." jeongguk cockily answered, making taehyung roll his eyes at him.


jeongguk walked into taehyung's room, where taehyung laid in the bed on his phone, and jumped next to him. taehyung shut off his phone and turned his head to look at jeongguk. their faces were extremely close, to the point where taehyung could feel jeongguk's breath fanning his face.

"hello, jeonggukie. what did i do to be blessed with your presence?" taehyung smile, and jeongguk gave him a small smile before turning and laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.

"i want a girlfriend. you should hook me up with one of your friends." jeongguk replied, and for some odd reason, taehyung's shoulders slumped. "but, i don't know. i kinda don't wanna settle down right now, yknow?" he added.

taehyung nodded, "so, what do you want? a fuckbuddy?" taehyung laughed to himself.

"yeah. actually."

taehyung's eyes widened, "jeongguk. no, you're not doing that." taehyung sternly stated, the idea slightly upsetting him.

jeongguk sat up and looked at him with a curious gaze, "why not?"

taehyung followed and sat up with him, "because jeongguk. they never end well. i did that before and ended up getting too attached." taehyung sighed, and jeongguk shook his head in disbelief.

"wait wait wait, you had a fuckbuddy before? and you never told me?" jeongguk sputtered.

taehyung nodded, "yeah. but seriously, they won't end well. don't do it." taehyung warned, laying back down again and getting on his phone.

jeongguk laid back down with him, "you think hoseok would do it with me? he's pan right?"

taehyung sighed, "yeah, but he's already dating some girl he met in university. and plus, you're straight, jeongguk." taehyung pointed out.

jeongguk didn't reply for a moment, "would you be my fuckbuddy, then?"


he's 21 now so he'll at least be able to drink in america.

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