Chapter I

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Lisa locked herself in her room that night. She couldn't let herself be seen by the other members (especially Jennie), not in that state anyways. She was afraid and confused and just full of unexplainable emotions.

"What am I doing? I shouldn't be thinking about her like this." She mumbled into her pillow.

Throughout the six years living with the girl, Lisa had always seen Jennie as an older sister - nothing less, nothing more. She looked up to her and admired her but never once in her life had she imagined herself being with her.

So what changed?

Lisa spun herself around until she was facing the ceiling. She sighed and rested her arm under her head.

"I should've just said 'no'. Why did I say 'yes'? Now look at me." Lisa puffed her cheeks and with her free hand slapped it lightly to make a popping sound, "pathetic."


(The day before)

Lisa was just watching Netflix in the living room when Jennie walked in. She took a seat on the opposite side of the couch where Lisa was sitting at. "Seriously? That again?" Jennie groaned swinging her legs onto Lisa's lap. "That's for kids."

Lisa took the comment with all offense, she loved that show - how dare her unnie insult it. "Not all animated shows are for kids, J." Lisa huffed but accepted Jennie's slender legs onto her lap.

The brunette rolled her eyes, "Really? So what you're watching right now is for adults? Talking animals working in an office... karaokeing. Very mature."

Lisa ignored the comment and continued watching her show. For ten minutes, all Jennie did was moan and bicker about how much the show sucked but after some time, the blonde found herself at peace again. Jennie had finally stopped.

Out of the corner of the younger girl's eye, she saw the brunette fiddling with her fingers - a habit she would always do when she was nervous.

So she was nervous... But why was she nervous?

Lisa's attention drifted off from her show to the girl beside her. Something didn't add up. Whenever she was watching tv, Jennie would never go in the living room (since she hated what Lisa usually watched) and when she did, it would always be a quick visit. But here she was, stuck to her like glue.

'What does she want?', Lisa thought.

"Where's Rosé and Chichu?" Lisa said sitting up after finding herself staring at the brunette for a good solid five minutes.

"They have a photo shoot in Japan. They'll be back tomorrow morning." This was a usual occurrence for the girls. One or two of them would leave all of a sudden without notice and the others would be left at home doing whatever they felt like doing - usually watching Netflix or practicing their dances or eating... mostly eating.

"Oh." Lisa nodded resuming back to her show. They were back to the silence once again. After a few more episodes, it was Jennie who initiated the conversation.

"So..." She trailed off very slowly.

"So." Lisa imitated.

"This is a weird question but," Jennie finally spoke out, Lisa who was engaged in her animations, looked up at the brunette only to find the smaller one blushing profusely. The blonde didn't speak and just sat there quietly waiting for Jennie to finish her sentence. "What do you think about life so far?"

Lisa was taken aback by the question. She never thought Jennie would ask her that, maybe Rosé possibly Jisoo, but not Jennie. Jennie wasn't that type of person - she kept to herself, she was stern and like her public personality she was strong and bitter. Apart from that Lisa was also taken aback by the question itself. She had never thought about it before.

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