Ch 14: Where is she?

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A/N: Sorry the teaser chapter was a little sloppy. It was rushed since I didn't know when I'd have a chance to update. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it.

Also, I've decided to run this story longer than originally planned. It's been really fun writing this and I've got some crazy idears for everyone hehehe

S/N: Netflix recently released Season 2 of 'The Disasterous Life of Saiki K' but sadly it's not in English dub. To all the people saying "if you don't watch the japanese dub you aren't a true otaku/fan", I say: please calm down (yes, someone has actually got on my case about that before). The reason why I watch the english dub (and deal with Teruhashi's voice-- it's much better in Japanese dub) is because Kusuo's voice actor is THE SAME PERSON who voiced Kyo from 'Fruits Basket'  and I LOVE FRUITS BASKET. If you haven't watched Fruits Basket, I highly recommend it.


Saiki was awoken by the panicked voice of the perv Toritsuka.


Saiki stood up groggily, Calm down and don't shout in my ear.


Confused by Toritsuka's phrasing, he corrected him. You mean return to the hotel.


Saiki was fully awake this time. What the hell do you mean, 'it's gone'???

"See for yourself! Look: that's where the hotel used to be. And now the entire building is gone and I'm sure you're the cause of it!"

Babbling on about cute girls and Saiki being a supposed murderer, Toritsuka continued shoutting in a panic. Muting Toritsuka's frantic shouting out, Saiki stared at where the hotel used to be. Keyword being 'used'.

Just give me back my other control device so I can bring the hotel back. Saiki held his hand out to Toritsuka expectantly.

"Wait, you're missing a hair pin? I didn't notice."

With Toritsuka being oblivious and Saiki not having any recollection of how the control device had vanished, the two seemed hopeless. Saiki came to a sad realization.

Oh shit. I had an 'accident'.


Alright alright. How troublesome. And seriously you don't need to yell.

Using his power 'apport', Saiki returned the hotel in a matter of seconds.

Where could my control device be?? 


Akemi was gone. Her roomates knew she was trying to wake up Saiki but they knew something was wrong after about twenty minutes.

"You don't think she pulled a Teruhashi do you?"

Teruhashi was slightly offended. "H-hey! It's not like I meant to worry everyone... I just had to do something..."

"Yeah something about professing your past cruuuush~" Yumehara teased back.

Mera was too concrened to even care about Teruhashi and Yumehara's banter. She had confided in Akemi for so much in the past week-- her family's misfortunes and her work troubles. Mera finally found a friend that understood her and really cared about her for the person she is. Not out of pity since she was poor, like everyone else, but just because Akemi wanted to be her friend. And Mera didn't want to loose this friend of hers.

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