Chapter 1

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It's 3:30 AM and Katniss awaits for her signal outside of a mansion on Parks Avenue. Mask and all, she prepares herself to rob the most extravagant home in all of New York owned by the one and only Lawyer Priscilla A. Maxwell. She was famously known for her fast response times to cases and 46 consecutive court wins back in 1997-2001. She specializes in prosecution and hasn't lost a case since she reached her peak in the Jefferson vs. Curly Fries Company case, the first case of her long lasting streak.

"Ok Katniss, you have approximately 1 hour to get that jewel out of the mansion. I swear to god, if you mess around in there I'm quitting".

Subaru, Katniss's tech guy....also known as her partner in crime, is not only a pain in the ass, but one of her best friends. You know, if friends steal stuff together.

"Ok, ok chill. Are they out of range yet? I can't risk them seeing me".

"Yes idiot, they are gone and didn't I already say that? Tch, do you need a hearing aid?"

"I have you screaming in my ear everytime we smash and grab so I'm already slowly losing my hearing. Thanks a lot. Anyways I'm going in."

Subaru, pulling away the walkie talkie (Katniss refused to use some more up-to-date technology cause it makes them look "cooler") mumbles to himself,

"Says the one who struggled to find the freaking button on the walkie."
"THAT WAS THE CHARGER. Tch. Idiot. Just get your lazy ass in there already."

Annoyed and angry, Katniss pulls herself up to the roof and eyes a small open hatch a couple feet away from her current position. Slipping on her gloves in order to avoid rope burn later on (as well as for the aesthetic), she walks over to the hatch and peeks down to see a 20 foot gap between the ceiling and the floor. Staring down at the glittery tiled floor of the main hall, she mumbles to herself,

"Well this is a wonderful drop...."

Swinging her legs over the opening, she stares down at a possible death for another 3 seconds before shrugging, dropping right through and grabbing onto the hatch of the trapdoor. Then Katniss throws herself over to the massive chandelier's golden frame, which was centered in the middle of the main hall. Holding herself up with her hands, Katniss flips out knives from her gloves (she likes to call them her claws, her clothing being more advanced than the technology she uses) and attaches herself to the wall, swiftly sliding down to the ground without a scratch on her body. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for poor wall-chan (add him in your prayers). Retracting her "claws" back into the pockets of her gloves, Kat reluctantly returns to her walkie, paying no heed to the damaged wall behind her.

"Ok I'm in. Where's the jewel?"

"Bossy. It's behind the third doorway to your left. I'm shutting down the security now so get the damn thing before anyone notices."

"What do I pay you for? If I wanted petty insults I would have become a housewife."

"Or a slut with that tight cat costume you're wearing. Is it really necessary? Tch it's so cliche."

"Asshole this is COMPLETELY Necessary. It's not my fault someone bought a size too small, Mr. OH YEA I TOTALLY KNOW YOUR SIZE. I think someone just wanted to see me in a tight costume~"

"There's not much to see idiot."

"I'm extremely offended and am deducting your pay grade for the month...."

Smirking, Subaru did the one thing that'll get him a taste of the crack of a whip later.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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