The earthquake

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It was like any other day in Brooklyn, New York. I woke up and slipped on my favorite pair of ripped jeans and pink Girls Rule shirt. I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen, where a stack of pancakes drizzled in syrup was waiting for me on the counter. I grabbed the pancakes and sat down. My mother then sat across from me with her own pancakes.

" So, what are you going to do today honey?" asked mom.

I looked down at my pancakes, thinking hard.

" Probably just ride my skate board around Central Park."

" Well if you do, make sure you take your cell phone with you" she replied. We both smiled at each other, and I helped her clear the table.

" Oh honey, I'll do the dishes." Mother said

I looked at her, and gave a slight nod, then retreated to my room. I grabbed my skate board, elbow and knee pads, and my helmet. As I was about to walk out the door, I saw a picture of my father on my dresser. I sighed, every time I put it away, my mother just sets it back out. I hate having the reminder of my dad around. He disappeared when I was eight. I sighed once more, turned the picture around, and started to head to the front door. just then the ground started to shake, and I heard my mother scream " EARTHQUAKE!" I ran into the kitchen where my mother was gripping the counter. I ran toward her and she yanked me by the arm under the counter.

" Rachel, we need to get out of here!" screamed mother.

I nodded and we sprinted towards the front door, and then down the emergency stairwell in our apartment building. As we were running, a part of the ceiling came lose and was about to fall on me. Before I knew what was about to happen, my mother ran towards me and pushed me out of the way, having the Sheetrock land directly on her.

"MOTHER!" I screamed.

I ran and tired to push the Sheetrock off her, but it was no use. I wasn't strong enough.

"Rachel, be strong. I love you." whispered my mother.

" I love you too mother." I whispered back.

She then lowered her head and took one last breath. The last thing I remember is running into the lobby, tripping on a lose floor board, and hitting my head on the front desk.

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