Part V

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I get home and just jump for joy. I can't believe I did it! I have a huge feeling of satisfaction and I almost forget all about what I've been through. My dad dying so suddenly, two of my best friends leaving me, it's really too much to handle.
I get some chicken out of the freezer. I've decided to make myself chicken nuggets and Mac-n-cheese for a start. I'll gradually get to where I'm making whole meals but I need to start simple. I'm about to get the macaroni out of the cabinet when I get a text from Vy. "Guess what?! Zac and I started dating and we're joining Beth's group. Sorry, Kat." I suddenly become very solemn. At least I still have Zander. One good friend is still good.

After dinner I take a quick shower, dry my hair, brush my teeth and go to bed after I set my alarm.

    Guess what? Zander wasn't there. Or should I say, he was but then he left before lunch. Apparently he gets migraines really badly so he had to go home. But, lucky for me, I was the first one done with my lunch. You see, at my school, everything's a competition so today I won the who can eat your lunch the fastest? one. Which is good because I never win anything. Huh, strange all your best friends have to leave you before you can win something.
     Oh well. If they don't need me, I don't need them. I start to text Vy but decide to just delete her number. I scroll through my contacts and see Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad. I also delete Dad's number which leaves me with two contacts. Sheesh, I hope no one ever looks at these. Very, very lonely. At least I still have Gram and Gramps, but they're getting old and not doing as well as they used to. So I guess it's safe to say I won't have them for long.
I sigh. I have to get Zander's number. I can't not text my friends at night. By this point I've completely given up on everything so I just go to sleep.

"Hey Zander, can I have your number? Vy left this group yesterday so I literally have two contacts. My Gram and my Gramps." I set my tray on the table. "Yah sure. 326-9660." He takes a bite of his sandwich. "So, why did Vy leave?" I glance over at where she's sitting then back at Zander. "She got a boyfriend that was evidently in Beth's group." "Oh." Zander nods. I notice that Vy and the rest of the group start crying laughing. What is so funny over there?
I throw my tray in the trash and begin toward fifth hour.

I get home and, guess why I do. Immediately text Zander. "I still have you, right? If you're gonna leave, now's the time to tell me so I can get all of the dreadful stuff in my life aside and actually begin living again." I can picture Zander texting back that he got a girlfriend and is leaving me too. "Nah, I like you right now. Honestly, you were one of the only ones to come up and talk to me." I was really surprised by this comment, for Zander was the hottest boy at school. I guess because everyone else already had boyfriends.
I don't respond because there's something I have to ask him tomorrow. Something that can change my life, both for the better and for the worst. Hopefully, it's the better. I crawl into bed and close my eyes. Immediately, dreams flow to my head. Dreams of beauty.

I check the clock. 11:55. My heart starts pounding in my chest. Five minutes until the big moment. I get out a piece of paper and rehearse what I'm going to say. Also, you know how I told you that I promised I would tell Vy about my dad? I haven't and now I won't ever. That's out the window. I will, however, tell Zander. Probably when I break the news tomorrow. Big, big, news.

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