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SHE COULD SENSE SOMETHING OUT OF PLACE happened in this extend column, a peculiar thing that she could be this eager to know what has happened.

"This is where you live?"

His monotone voice hitched her breath by the sudden voice coming from behind her, only for her to realize that it's Jeongguk himself.

"Well yes kind of."

Not earning any reaction from him Minso starts to walk away from him — hoping that he wouldn't walk her down to her room, but to no avail he insisted to walk her down to her apartment.

An arduous thing that she finds in a simple thing such as breathing in the air, oppressing her lungs to suffocate her slowly by every second that passes under her eyes, her breath hitched every now and then as she spends more time in this small confined room.

Claustrophobic, why am I claustrophobic.

It never has happened before when she uses the lift with Yoongi and Hoseok, but somehow being in a small space made her rather anxious about everything.

The cold humid air reaches her skin as she steps out of the lift in a haste, followed by Jeongguk a couple of seconds later whose more than flustered to why she haven't said anything since he last spoke.

The ivory lamp flickered its fuse in a split second of lighting the seemingly chic and neat theme in the hallway as Minso's heels clacks against the white marbles tiles, its voice echoing around the hallway.

Jeongguk looks very much confused with her odd demeanor since she stepped her foots on this floor, curiosity managed to take a hold in his mind as he quickly runs to reach her.

"Yah," Jeongguk heaves out a breath after that, holding onto her wrists gently.

His fingers fondling in between her rose gold necklace that she wrapped around her left wrist as she turns to him by the mention, a reenactment of what happened to them moments ago.


She mused him to proceed his hanging question, for a moment he was caught in between his pondering thoughts only for it to be submerged by her saccharin voice, he smiles faintly to her reaction slowly leaning towards her.

Gently planting a peck on her forehead as his lips curled up halfway, she stumbled into her own legs by his abrupt demeanor without any notify given to her but then she remembered about their bet and he won.

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