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"Huh! It's a good thing red leader had a second time travelling device," Tom said, stepping out of the portal.

"Now we just have to stop Edd before he messes anything up in the future," Matt replied.

Suddenly, with a popping sound, the ginger's face turned back to normal. His eye and chin weren't made of metal anymore. Tom's robotic eyes widened in surprise. He looked like the regular Matt, and Tom thought he would have been happy about that but he frowned. He loved those attachments. "Oh he's a dead man," Matt growled.

"So where should we start looking?" Matt says as they walk.

"I'm not sure, but I hope Edd's past self has enough sense to hide somewhere."


"Stop right there!" Tom demands as he sees Edd. He raises his gun at his friend, although he would never actually shoot him, or so he tells himself.

"Oh god, I'm old!" Matt's younger self shrieks.

"Hey, why the eye thing?" Tom's past self asks.

With not enough time to tell his past self the long story, he makes up an excuse on the spot, "Remember that laser you took to that face?"

"Err, yeah?"

"Cancer," the brit says, hoping to sound convincing enough and not need to answer anymore questions that he'd have to bluff out of. "Anyways, Edd we're here to stop you before you destroy the future for your own selfish needs."

"No! I won't go back! I won't go back to that bleak, sofa-free future!" Edd yelps.

Sofa-free future? Tom wonders. Before he can voice his confusion, Edd grabs his past self and holds him up. Past Edd grabs Susan out of Tom's hoodie pocket and strikes him with it. As he crumbles to the ground, the two Toms yell out, "Susan!"


Tom pulls Edd towards the portal as he asks, "Why did you do this?"

Tears grew in Edd's eyes, "I-I... I couldn't live without my Cola..."

"What about me!?" Matt exclaims. "Shouldn't I be more important that Cola to you!?"

Tom cut in, "What the hell do you mean?"

"Cola was outlawed!" he yelled.

"No it wasn't! What are you talking about!?"

Edd pulled out a newspaper. "It says here, it's illegal. And when I went to the store to buy some they weren't there."

Tom paused, "Where did you find that?"

"Some old creepy guy with rat puppets in an alleyway," he said as if it were normal.

Tom facepalmed at his friend's conundrum, "Edd, I'm pretty sure that that's fake news. And maybe they were just out of Cola at the store from your last trip there."

Matt didn't like his being ignored. Rage boiled inside, ready to spill. He grabbed his friends and pulled them through the time portal. Once inside, he pulled Edd back to their apartment and left Tom to explain the situation to a confused Tord.

"Uh... We got him," he informed, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, I can see that..." Tord replied.

"Think they'll make up?"

"Oh give them a minute, they'll be eating each other's faces off soon en-" the loud shouting of two sad boys reached through the doors, cutting off the communist. It was Matt, saying about how Edd should care more about him than Cola, and Edd yelled out a response.

"Want to go out and hope they don't shoot each other?" Tom asked.

"You've read my mind," the communist responded. They made their way out of the apartments and hopped into the red car, turning on the radio. "So where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know, you hungry?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm craving something real bad for me, full of calories and shit," he replied. "What about you?"

"That sounds like comfort food. Babe, is something wrong?" Tom questioned. "I got really good at listening as a cat."

"Nothing," Tord responded, starting the engine and swerving onto the road.

Tom rolled his digital eyes and huffed. "Pretend I'm still a cat and just talk to me about it," he recommended.

"I told you, it's nothing. I'm fine," the Norwegian man said blankly.

"You don't sound fine. Tsk, first Edd, now you're depressed?"

Tord raised his voice at his lover, "I'm not depressed! I'm just tired."

Tom decided to stop pushing at it. He looked the other way and tried to enjoy the snowy, urban scenery that passed by him. As they drove past Tom's favourite bar his entire being yearned for alcohol but he promised himself that he wouldn't get sucked into that black hole again so he refrained from asking Tord if he wanted to go there.

When they got to the restaurant, they sat in silence, the only words spoken being, "Table for two, please."

Both boys wanted to speak up but none actually did until they ordered their food, which didn't even involve talking to each other. It was dreadfully awkward for the two, who were constantly thinking of things to say or do but never actually said or did them.

After paying for the meal, they went back to the car, still remaining in silence that Tom couldn't handle anymore. "Are you really okay?"

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