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"How's Jamie been with Milo?" Danny asks as we walk into work.

"He's done really well. I'm proud of him," I say.

"Your bringing him to dinner tonight right? Since ya know not everyone knows that you've taken a baby in. With Jamie," he says.

"Yeah we're bringing him don't worry," I say.

As we walk in I see Jack Boyle.

"What are you doing here?" Danny asks.

"I'm here to take her case," he says pointing to me.

"What do you mean MY case?" I ask.

"Family court. A man come forth and said Milo was his. He knows when he was born and all that. He looks like a junkie so find evidence on him so you can keep him," Jack says leaving.

"Great," I say sitting down.

I look up his father and find out that he has been in and out of rehab. He was just arrested three weeks ago for a drug bust but got bail. I inform Danny and I print out his report.

"You got him," he says

"I need to go tell Jamie. I'll be back," I say.

"Go it's fine."

I call Jamie and ask him where he is.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"No everything is not okay. Where are you right now?" I ask.

He tells me and I tell him to stay there. I pull up behind the car and get out.

"What is it?" Jamie asks.

"I have family court tomorrow. Milo's biological father wants him. I have a load of information on him but that doesn't mean shit," I say.

"So there's a chance that he could go back to him?" Jamie asks.

"It's slim but yeah Jamie."

He hugs me and tells me everything's going to be okay.


"Sorry we're late," Jamie says.

"This little guy was sleeping," I walk in.

Everyone stops and stares. Jamie smiles as he takes a seat and I sit next to Frank. Frank says grace and then the questions start rolling.

"Is he yours?" Nicky asks.

"No," I say looking at my plate.

"She got a visit from your ex husband today saying she has family court and Milo could be going to his father," Danny says looking at Erin.

"What?" Erin asks, looking at me.

"Yeah he stopped by. But there's a slim chance of him getting Milo," I say.

"You have evidence on him?" Frank asks.

"Yeah. Big druggie. He got arrested recently and got out on bail. Hopefully he comes in high tomorrow and I can persuade the judge to have a drug test done," I say.

"Will you adopt him?" Nicky asks.

"We've thought about it. And yeah I will. I'm not letting him go somewhere where they don't love him," I state.

Nicky smiles and so does Linda.

"If you guys need anything I think we still have somethings from the boys," Linda says.

"He'll only need clothes, diapers and wipes, formula and more bottles. She bought a swing, crib, and bouncy," Jamie says.

"I didn't know how long we'd have him," I state.

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