Good boy or Bad boy?

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Have you ever been inlove with someone, and you have no idea why?

I mean, hes such an idiot.

I have no clue if he likes me.

All he ever does it go out with his mates - at least that was what I thought.

Then I got to know him.

He spends more time with his sisiter, and his 5 year old bother than anything else. Hes the cutest little leach ive ever seen.

I cant lie to you though.

It hurts.

It hurts so bad and I know why.

Its because although I see him around, does he see me?

Does he look at me in the way I look at him?

Could he ever except our ages?

Could he ever tell my brother?

He is different around his mates.

Something changes inside him

He turns full on dick.

Treating girls like peices of meat.

Talking loudly and swearing with the guys.

He isnt like that around me, or his family.

Its just him.

Its juts plain old Him.

And the worst thing is,

He doesnt know any of this.

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