Marry Me?

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I sat under the pillow fort and looked around at our mess of fun. "Are you getting the chips?" i asked as i lay back on one of the few pillows we didn't use to make the fort. "No, I'm going sky diving." Finn yelled back from the kitchen. I just giggled. Some how he convinced me to make this giant mess. So big of a mess that it covered half of the living room. I made the mistake of asking what do you want to do, which i definitely don't regret making, and ended up with this. I turned on the T.V. and clicked Netflix.  "Finn what do you want to watch?" i ask, flipping through the movies. "Finn?" i ask again but no reply. I sigh and set the remote down, smirking. "I swear if you scare me again, I'm punching you." i say raising my finger and crawling out of the fort.  Once i get out and stand up i see rose petals. I scrunch my brows and I slowly step next the rose petals until they went under the door. I open the door cautiously.  The trail continues to the bed, which sits a note. I pick it up and read it aloud. 

Dear Y/n, 

You are probably really confused on what's is going on but everything will be clear soon. Please put this on and follow my directions. 

I move the note out of my view and look down to see a white dress. I roll my eyes and smile. "I thought we were staying home tonight?" i say and start to change. If this never caught my curiosity i probably would've left Finn waiting there forever.

 If this never caught my curiosity i probably would've left Finn waiting there forever

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Once i got finished changing, i took out my braids and let my wavy hair down. I then put on make-up assuming I am leaving the apartment and can't look like a potato. I then went back to the bed and read the other side of the card. 

Now continue to follow the rose petals.

 I look down and they trail out to the balcony. I follow them, keeping the note clutched in my hands. I open the curtains and open the slider. I step out into the nice cool breeze that hits me with refreshment. On the small table sits a case. I set the note down and pick up the case opening it. In the small box sat a small but perfectly charming silver necklace. It had a small heart in-crusted with diamonds. I gasp slightly and stare at it longer. I shake my head and put it on, then go to the mirror to admire some more. Not forgetting to grab the directions i look back at them. 

Keep following the rose petals.

I go back to the balcony and follow them to the front door, and down the small flight of stairs. I shut the door and keep trailing behind the trail of flowers. Finn always liked his surprises, i thought getting flash backs from our first date.


  The ball came straight for the center of the pins it hit them all and they went everywhere except for one. It was spinning in a circle trying to keep its balance but couldn't and it fell of the table to. "WOO YA THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND !!" I yelled and hugged him. "Son of a bitch" he said pulling out 5$ to give to Finn. He picked the cutest teddy bear for me. It was light brown and was holding a heart.  

-end of Flashback-

I finally round a corner and then follow a path towards the small park near our house. I look around and see the sun still in the sky but threatening to set within the next hour. I keep walking and then see a little table sat in the middle of the garden with two chairs. It was decorated with a red table cloth, a candle and two plates. Plus two glasses. I go to the table and look at the note once again for help. 

Sit down and look under the plate.

I do as told and I'm met with another great surprise. I hold up the photo of him and i on our first date smiling, dumb, teenagers. I laugh and stare at our young faces. "Wow." i say out loud. It's been forever that we have been dating. i think and set the photo down revealing Finn in a tux.  I smile at him as he walks up to me and sits down with me. "I thought we were staying in today?" i raise an eyebrow. He laughs and replies with a shrug. "I thought of something else?" he says as two people come out and set down steak and steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. I shake my head and smile, picking up my fork and knife. " What's the special occasion?" i ask taking a bit. I let the steak flavor fall over my tongue and speak with delight. "Ooh this is so good." i say cutting him off before he responds. "oh nothing really..." he trails off blushing. I raise my eyebrow and continue to eat.  I finish and set my silverware down, wiping my mouth. Finn also finishes and we both look to the right. We watch as the sun starts to set.  He stands up and walks over to me, extending his hand. I set my napkin down and grab it, standing up. He leads me over to the rose garden, which is just a few feet from where we ate dinner. "I really hope you didn't demolish a bunch of roses from here for those petals." i laugh as he grabs both hands and looks at me. "Y/n m/n l/n." he starts. I blush. "I don't know where to begin." he says. "Finn what do you mean?" i ask looking at the sun setting. My thoughts start to go wild, thinking what might happen. "When you left to go to Florida that year, I was so heart broken. I tried to forget you and tried to replace you but i couldn't. No one was as amazing as you. So the year i "ran" into you wasn't an accident. I spent the whole month trying to find you, asking your parents and friends." I raise my eyebrows and let my thoughts convince me of where this is going, but i still didn't want to except it. "When i found you, it was like the best feeling i ever had in my entire life. AS um as if i found a part of myself again. And i don't ever want to let you go." "Finn where is this going?" i ask with butterflies filling my stomach. " I love you, so much. More than anything in this entire world. So..." He let go of my hands and reached out of his pocket. He knelt on one knee and opened the small box. "Will you let me love you and keep you forever."He asks. I stare in shock as my mouth drops to the floor. My hand slowly goes to cover it. My eyes start to water and before i know it i start crying. Finn's face grows worried. "What's wrong y.." i cut him off and drop to my knees and wrap my arms around his neck. "Yes." i breath into his ear. He clutches me and spins me around. He sets me down and looks at me smiling. "Why are you crying then?" he says wiping my tears off my cheek. "They're happy tears." i say. He then grabs my left hand and slips on the square diamond ring. I look down and look at it. "Why me?" I say smiling. "Why not you?" he answers. HE then pulls me into a hug and we watch as the sun finally goes under the Earth.

Even after all that has happened that night we never gave up on our fort. We walked home and changed into our comfy clothes, then jumped into our fort. We scooped each other ice cream and chose a random movie. We got comfortable and i let him lay his head on my stomach. The movie was coming to an end and i looked down to see Finn asleep. I shake my head and brush my fingers through his curly mess. I smile as big as my mouth will let me. I bend down and place a kiss on his forehead also whispering. "Goodnight...soon to be husband." 

So... since so many of you wanted another part i will be doing flashbacks and parts of the story that weren't written about. So here is how Finn Wolfhard decided to propose to now Y/n Wolfhard. Maybe another part coming soon? Anyways thank you for 29.9k views!!!!! Oh my gosh that's kinda crazy for me. If you liked this story go check out my other, better stories. BYE...for now;)

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