Lake house part 2!

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Time jump with 1 and a half week!
Stefan's Pov:Wow I can't believe how time flies when you are having fun!Just two more days and we will need to go home!
Elena's Pov:Yeah,I know!But I kinda miss Elijah and Hayley and Klaus and Caroline too!
Stefan's Pov:Caroline?
Elena's Pov:Yes Caroline,Stefan!!!!
Stefan's Pov:What about Damon?
Elena's Pov:Truth is,I miss him too!I will definitely talk with him,when Amber and I arrive home!
Stefan's Pov:You can do whatever you want to do Elena!You are an adult now!Plus you are a hybrid,I don't wanna get on your bad side!
Elena's Pov:Are you afraid of me?
Stefan's Pov:Yeah,a little bit!But don't get over yourself about it!
Elena's Pov:You have nothing to be afraid of!I would never hurt you!
Stefan's Pov:I know!But you know what they  say Elena:It's better to be afraid,then to get scared!
Elena's Pov:Its quite alright!
Amber crawled next to Elena and climbed onto her lap and started to chew on her shirt!
Elena's Pov:Wow,Amber you are either hungry or you just eat my shirt because your teeth is coming!Lets check,I will bring you something to eat!
Elena bought Amber her favorite baby food and she immediately started eating it,in 5 minutes there was nothing in it!
Stefan's Pov:Wow,she was really hungry!I've never seen a baby eating that fast!
Elena's Pov:Yeah,I'm just hoping that she will get to have a normal life or at least a normal childhood!
Stefan's Pov:Your afraid that Amber might end up as a hybrid?
Elena's Pov:Well if not a hybrid than a vampire I'm sure about that!
Stefan's Pov:Everything is going to be alright Elena!Just look at her,she is all smiles and she cannot be happier!
Elena's Pov:You are right!But maybe the hide an seek game was the thing that made her happy!
Stefan's Pov:Yeah,well what can I say,Uncle Stefan really loves playing games,especially with cute little girls like Amber!
Elena's Pov:When did you turn it on,Stefan?
Stefan's Pov:What are you talking about?
Elena's Pov:Your humanity Stefan?When did you turn it on?
Stefan's Pov:A couple days ago!I realized how much I love Amber and that how much I love you!
Elena's Pov:Its great to hear that Stefan,I hope you will stay like this!
Stefan's Pov:I hope too!But anyways I should probably start to make dinner,we had a long day and I'm sure that you are just as hungry as me!
Elena's Pov:I'm actually!I'm pretty sure that Amber will keep me company while you cook!
Stefan's Pov:I'm sure about that!
Stefan went to cook and Elena played with Amber,she really was happy with her,Amber was the best baby what she could have ever wished for,but then Elena's phone rang,the caller ID said Elijah!
Elena's Pov:Hey Elijah,I was just thinking about how much I miss you!What's up?
Elijah's Pov:I miss you too Elena!Nothing much over here,I just called to make sure that you and Amber are fine alone in that big house in the middle of the woods!
Elena's Pov:We are fine Elijah!You don't need to worry about us!Plus in two days we will be home!
Elijah's Pov:I know,but I'm Ambers uncle,I will always worry about her!
Elena's Pov:That's very kind of you Elijah!How is Hayley?
Elijah's Pov:She is fine,we've been trying with the herb,what you gave us,but nothing yet!
Elena's Pov:Wow,that's great!Again,don't worry Elijah,it took me a month till I got pregnant remember?Just give her some time and there will be a baby in no time!
Elijah's Pov:Yeah I hope so!Well then I will not bother you Elena,have fun with Amber,and then return home safely!
Elena's Pov:I will Elijah,thank you for checking on us!
Elijah's Pov:You are welcome Elena!Good night!
Elena's Pov:Good night!(they hung up the phone and Stefan came in)
Stefan's Pov:The dinner is ready!Who did you talk with?
Elena's Pov:We are coming!I was talking with Elijah!He just checked if Amber and I were fine!
Stefan's Pov:Its really nice from him!
Elena's Pov:Yeah I said the same thing!
Stefan's Pov:Wow,you really get along with Elijah,don't you?
Elena's Pov:Yeah,I do!He is a really good hearted and loving person!Plus he is a good uncle to Amber,although he really knows how to spoil her with toys and dresses and shoes,all the time!
Stefan's Pov:How many uncles does Amber have?
Elena's Pov:Three!You,Elijah and Klaus!
Stefan's Pov:Klaus?As an uncle?Never imagined that!
Elena's Pov:Actually he is a very very good uncle,and a very good father to his daughter Anna!
Stefan's Pov:Alright,I believe you!
Amber started yawning,so it was time for her to sleep!
Elena's Pov:Well,Amber is tired and so am I in a way,so we should probably go to sleep!You can watch tv if you are not tired or anything,but I will also go to sleep now!
Stefan's Pov:Its okay Elena!Go to sleep,I will just watch some soccer game until I get tired too!
Elena's Pov:Okay!Good night Stefan!
Stefan's Pov:Good night Elena,good night Amber!
Wow,took me long enough to update,but here it is,and I will keep updating more chapters but I should probably write them first😂!If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to write for me!

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