Part 7

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"Fuck" I yell and Ben does the same as we watch Louis run off.

"We have to follow him Ben" I say as I walk back inside to grab my car keys.

Ben follows behind me.

"Haz, I agree but we need to talk about this please, just tell me what the hell is going on? What was Louis even doing here?" He asks me.

I walk back into the Lounge room and Casey is sitting on the couch.

"What was that all about Haz? What happened to Louis face?" Casey asks me.

Of course she knows Louis, she goes to watch the games on Friday nights.

I sigh and turn around to face them, they look worried.

"I saw Louis when I stopped for fuel tonight, he was trying to buy a chocolate bar while I was filling up. I said I would drive him home but he didn't want to go home and I wasn't just going to leave him In that neighbourhood alone was I? I asked him to come back here so I knew he would be safe. I made him some dinner and we talked. All I did was offer him my old game console and he flipped out at me" I say.

"Okay, well you were getting a little hot headed H, I know you are just concerned but you can't throw your accusations around like that. If Louis wants to tell you what's going on he will, but until then you can't just round on him like that" Ben scolds me gently.

"I know.... I'm sorry" I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Harry, I've never seen you like this before, what's going on.. really?" Casey asks me concerned.

Her long blonde hair falls past her shoulders as she walks closer to me. Casey and I are quite close and she knows how to read me well. I sigh at her.

"I don't know....I feel this connection to Louis, the first time I laid eyes on him, I'm attracted to him and I know it's wrong on every level but I can't help it, I can't help but feel the way I do. I want to look after him,I want him to be mine" I say frustratingly.

"Harry, I can't tell you who you can and can't love and I know you know it's frowned upon but I'll support whatever choice you make, you know that. Just tread carefully though please" Ben tells me seriously.

I'm so thankful I have his support, he is a truly great friend and I am so lucky to have him.

"Thanks Ben, thank you" I say looking down.

"Now come on, let's go find Louis before something happens to him or he catches a cold in this weather" Ben says. Making note to the fact it just started raining, shit Louis doesn't have a jumper either.

"I'll stay here just incase he comes back" Casey says.

Ben and I head out towards his car and we jump in. We start looking for Louis up and down the neighbourhood but there is no sign of him and the rain doesn't help. I won't give up though, he couldn't have gone to far. After an hour of driving around we still haven't found any sign of Louis and I'm starting to worry.

"Haz, he probably made it home by now" Ben says.

"Well what if he didn't and something happened to him. I'll never forgive myself" I tell Ben.

"I could call Liam and check, I have his number" Ben says.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, I don't want to get Louis into trouble" I say.

Ben sighs.

"Well I don't know any other option right now H, he could be flipping anywhere" Ben says.

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