It's Finally Over

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I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful sunrise on October 10th. I smiled as I looked around at the Allied Shinobi Forces, everyone waking up and looking around. Naruto ran over to me, smiling with dried tears on his face, "Kimoria!" He called and embraced me. I hugged him back, "Is it over, Naruto?" I asked and he smiled and nodded, "It sure is, Kimoria." He said and I spotted Gaara and ran to him, "Gaara!" I called. He looked at me and smiled as I ran into his arms and we held each other tightly, "Its finally over, Gaara." I said happily and he kissed me, "Yes it is, Kimi." He said and embraced me some more. I then noticed Shinsuke crying and holding a body with Dad sitting by him. I ran over and froze when I saw who it was, Obito Uchiha. I looked at Shinsuke as he cried and held his father, making tears spring to my eyes. Dad and I looked at each other and I noticed his Sharingan, it was gone, "Dad, where's your Sharingan?" I asked and he looked at Obito, "Madara took it, then used Komui to find Obito and take his Rinnegan. Once Madara acquired Obito's Rinnegan, he placed my Sharingan back in Obito's head. Naruto healed my eye, so I no longer have the Sharingan." He explained and I sat by him, "I'm just glad your okay, Dad." I said and hugged him. He held me back, "I'm glad your okay as well, Kimi. I don't know what I'd do without you." He said and kissed my head like he used to when I was a kid. I looked at  my cousin again and hugged his shoulders, "I'm so sorry, Shinsuke. Once we return to the Village, we will bury him and have a proper funeral for him." I said and Shinsuke smiled at me, "What about your village? Shouldn't you return to the Sand?" he asked and I shook my head, "My family comes first, Shinsuke." I said and he smiled at me, "Thank you, Kimi." he said and we hugged. Gaara came up beside me and pulled me close and I kissed him

I heard someone approach from behind me and pulled away with sighed, "So, you finally return, Sakumo?" I asked as I turned around and came face to face with my older brother. Tears filled my eyes and I ran to my brother before I could stop myself  and threw myself into his arms, "Sakumo." I whispered as he held me tightly. 

"I'm so sorry, Kimoria. I'll explain everything I swear." he said softly as I quietly cried, "I missed you, Sakumo." I said  

Soon after, all of the dead Shinobi where taken back to their villages, and I travelled with the Leaf Ninja back to the Leaf Village. I helped Dad and Sakumo as we prepared to bury Obito. We spent weeks until it was finally time for the funeral, then we set up for the funeral. Once we were finished setting up, I went to the house and found Shinsuke, "Shinsuke, let's go for a walk." I suggested and he nodded then stood up and we left the house. As we walked through the village, Shinsuke began noticing the village seemed deserted, "Kimi, where is everyone?" He asked and I shrugged "I'm not sure." I lied. We kept walking and chatting until we finally reached the cemetary. He stopped when he noticed all of the villagers in the cemetery and looked at me, "What's this, Kimi?" He asked and I smiled at him, "The whole village agreed to come together and have a funeral worthy of Obito all for you, Shinsuke." I explained and tears sprung to his eyes as we approached everyone. They all gave Shinsuke hugs and told him how much they all loved him, then we held the most magnificent funeral for Obito Uchiha.

That night, I spent my last night at Dad's and and eating dinner with my friends. We all did our best to cheer up Shinsuke and show him he wasn't alone and that he head us. After a while, he was finally laughing and having fun. We all stayed out a while, then we finally went to our homes. Shinsuke and I entered to see Dad sitting in the living room looking at a book on the table. He looked up and smiled at us "Hey guys." He said and we smiled "Hey Dad." I said as we sat on either side of him, "What are you looking at, Uncle Kakashi?" Shinsuke asked and Dad looked back at it, "Its our photo album. I can't help looking at all of our old photos and and remember the past." He said and chuckled. I saw a photo of me, Shinsuke, Naruto, Sera, Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru all laughing and pointing at a flustered and embarressed Skaura and Ino and laughed at the memory, "Shinsuke, do you remember this day?" I asked smiling and Shinsuke looked at the photo and laughed "That was the day we scared Sakura and Ino with that frog when we were 5 years old." He said and we all laughed again. We started talking about memories late into the night, then we all finally decided to get some sleep.
Early the next morning, I packed some of my stuff that was left at Dad's house, and headed to gate with Shinsuke and Dad. Our friends met us there and I smiled, "I'm gonna miss you guys." I said and they all hugged me, "And we will all miss you, Kimoria. Visit more often." Choji said and I grinned, "You know it!" I said and we all said our final goodbyes, then I left my former home, and headed to my present home to Gaara.

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