A Secret No One Could Believe

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"Kid!" Derek Morgan yelled into the bullpen an earlier Monday morning. "How was your vacation?" Recently Spencer had taken almost 2 weeks off to go visit his mother in Vegas.

"It was very good. My mother is doing well, but she misses me and asked me to come visit more often." Spencer Reid answered with a small smile on his face that was rare for the rest of the member of the BAU to see.

"Did something else happen Reid? You seem happier than usual today." Emily Prentiss said to the youngest member.

He just gave her the same smile and continued on to his desk to start all the paperwork he missed. He didn't noticed however, the looks the rest of his team gave him, including Hotch. The team looked at each other and just shrugged, they stopped trying to figure out Reid long ago.

It was bearing lunch time when the elevators to the floor the BAU was on, opened. A young woman, no more than 25 years old, walked through the doors and looked around like she was looking for someone. Of course, Morgan was the first to notice her.

"Can we help you?" He asked getting up from his chair. Reid also turned around and it was clear that shock was on his face.

The young woman's head turned quickly toward Morgan but then focused on the man sitting behind him.

"SPENCER!" She yelled running to the young man who was standing waiting for her. He pulled her into his arms giving her a tight hug, pulling away after a minute.

"Lottie, what are you doing here? I thought I said I would pick you up after I got off?" Reid questioned wondering why she was at his work of all places, instead of the studio like she was supposed to be.

She gave him a huge smile then picked up his hand and gave it a kiss, continuing to hold it afterwards.

"I got done at the studio early and since I am only here for another 5 days I thought we could go to lunch together. And I might have wanted to know where you worked too." She gave him a sheepish grin which turned into a full blown smile after a second.

The rest of the BAU was shocked when they saw the young woman but when they found out she knew Reid they were all flabbergasted. How can someone like Reid know and be very close to a girl like her. Lottie had white blonde hair the went down to her ribs with a blue streak in the front, features that would make a model jealous and a look that screamed 'Badass', her knowing Reid just didn't fit. And all of then being profilers, want to know how?

"I guess I should introduce you to everyone then." Reid said putting his arm around Lottie. "Guys this is Lottie"

She smiled at them and waved using the hand that wasn't holding Reid's.

"Uh no offense but how do you two know each other?" Asked Rossi, intrigued by this girl.

"Oh Reid's my fiancé." Lottie said with the biggest smile in the world, and if you looked close you could see a little bit of a smirk there. She knew that none of Reid's team knew about her.

Nobody said a word. Even Hotch didn't know what to say.

"What! Pretty boys getting married!" Morgan practically screamed. All of the sudden Garcia ran in.

"Reid's getting married!?" She screamed.

"How did you know about that?" Prentiss questioned.

"I might have been watching the security footage since a pretty little blonde woman walked in" Garcia said sheepishly.

Hotch gave her one of his famous looks.

"Yes we are getting married. Not exactly sure when though we've been engaged for a while." Lottie said smiling up at Spencer. It seemed like there was always a smile on her face.

"Guys as much as I would love to answer 20 questions we have to go to lunch." Spencer said grabbing Lottie's hand and pulling her back towards the elevator.

"It was nice meeting you all, hopefully I'll see you again before I leave!" Lottie shouted back at the team, waving goodbye.

The team members all still had a shocked look on their faces when the couple left.

"What the hell just happened?" Questioned Hotch. Nobody said a word and just shrugged.

Morgan knew that as soon as Reid got back they would all interrogate him. They just had to wait.

A Secret No One Could BelieveWhere stories live. Discover now