Oh No!

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This will be a good story😑😳
Give me luck 


Kara woke up,the bright light from the sun hitting her comet blue eyes.
"Another day at the deo saving lives and making people happy and have hope is what i do as supergirl" she thought.
She got up and super sped taking a shower and putting some clothes on.
So she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a plate and quickly made herself  some oatmeal.
She ate my oatmeal and turned on the tv. The interdimensional extrapolator beeped. So kara went to get it and it said that a message has been send,so she opened the message and read:

"Hi kara its me barry , i need you to come over here ASAP with your sister. Its urgent"

"Oh rao please let it not be another invasion of aliens or nazis"she thought to herself.
She grabbed her phone and called alex.
She told alex what barry told her.
"Alex im going to leave in 30 minutes if your not here by then im leaving without you"kara said through the phone and hung up.
Alex arrived minutes early with something on her hand.
"What do you have there?"kara said pointing to the object behind her sister.
"Its alien alcohol..."alex replied holding the drink infront of her.
"Why?..alex you know that we have no time for that kind of stuff especially if its urgent."kara said.
"You never know ..so lets get going"alex said giving the alien drink to her sister.
Kara put the drink in her purse and opened the breach to earth 1.
The sisters stepped on the other side.

✴Moments later✴
Kara and alex appeared i at star labs ,every superhero is there including the flash , green arrow,cisco and the others.
"Hi kara "barry said giving his alien friend a quick hug.
"Hi barry...so whats why exactly did you wanted me to come here" kara asked.
"We are going to gotham city!" Cisco and caitlyn said in sync.
Kara and alex looked at eachother with confusion.
"Dont worry about it"barry said.

A bright light appeared.
And everyone that was at star labs was gone.


Sam and dean where getting a hotel room in gotham city. It was called "East side Regal Hotel".
The boys got off the car and went to the trunk,and opened it to get there weapons and put them in the buffel bags.
"Lets go"sam demanded.
Sam and dean went to the lobby and got there key for the room.
And threw theyre bags in the beds.
"So whats the case?"sam asked his brother.
"Umm...thats a big problem"dean said.
Sam looked at his brother in confusion.
"Theres a lamia and some ghost sightings."said dean.
"Oh thats great" sam replied and sat on the bed.
Dean left the bathroom with a suit in hand.
When he came out he said"we are posing as
Rich brothers from a distant city".
Dean went to his bed and got his shoes.
Sam put on his suit and shoes.
"So where is that we are going?"sam asked.
"The iceberg Lounge"he said.
After awhile the brothers walked to the hallway and sam bumped a lady with blonde hair and what seems to be her friend?  With brownish hair. "Sorry about that"sam apologized."Its alright" kara said.
Sam looked at his shoes.

ara adjusted her glasses  "im kara danvers amd this is my sister alex"she said offering a handshake.
"Nice to meet you im sam winchester and this is my brother dean"sam said as he took the handshake.
Kara and alex  smiled at the boys. "Well it was nice meeting you guys ,but we have to go" alex said taking karas hand pulling her to continue walking.
"See you guys around"kara said smiling and following alex.
When alex and kara left dean looked at sam.
"We made new friends sammy" dean looked at sam with a smile.
"I guess it is"sam said.
"Why so emotionless sam"dean asked.
"Nothing just lets go to find that lamia dean" sam replied and walked down the hallway. The boys walked through the lobby and pushed open the doors ,walking to the impala.
Kara and alex opened a doors and entered a lounge area that said reserved.
There they saw there friends sitting in comfy couches.
The sisters sat in one couch waiting for what to do about next.
"Ok guess we are here to discuss why where here...well lets get to the point. We are here because theres this cult of owls thing..um i dont know what to say ,we need new info on them"oliver explained.
"Meeting dismissed"oliver demanded.
Kara stood up,"well that was fast"she thought to herself.
Barry and oliver went to kara ,"Hey do you and your sister want to go to a club?"barry asked.
"Uhhh..i dont know"she answered.
"Yes we would want to go"alex filled in.
"Great meet us there in 1 hour"barry said.
"Where is it?"kara asked.
"Iceberg Lounge i think"barry said.
" ok thanks"alex said pulling karas hand to follow her.
"Where are you taking me now?"kara asked.
"To our room so you can change"alex replied.
"Its fine i dont want to chang-"
"You will i got the perfect dress"alex interrupted
When they arrived at there room alex tool the dress ,shoved it into karas arms and pushed her to the bathroom.


Hi i hope youll like this story.
Its the first chapter...so yea plus i wrote this when i was tried ok😄

Sam and deans hotel room:

Karas dress to iceberg lounge:

Karas dress to iceberg lounge:

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Yours truly ¸.*☪*.¸¸.*☆*.¸¸.*☪*¸.*☆*.¸.¸¸.*☪*.¸Blaire✴✴✴❇❇✳✴❇✳✴✳❇✳✴✳❇✳❇✳✴✳❇✳✳❇✳✴✳✴✳❇✳✴✳✳❇✳✳❇✳✴✳

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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