Chapter 1 off to LA!

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Hi my name is Lira I'm 14 and I'm about to hop on a plane that will take me and my parents to LA!!

Why you may ask?

Because my parents met some friends who live there and we are going to visit them for three weeks!

I'm very excited to go because I've always wanted to go to LA. We just entered the plane and I sit next to my mom.

Today I'm wear a crop top with the Starbucks logo on it with shorts and my green converse.

I start to get board so I start to play games on my phone. Then they announce that we are about to take off and that all phones must be turned off.

Turn off my phone and wait until we are up in the air to get it out again.

I started to think about all the things I wanted to see on our trip. I want to go to the Hollywood sign and maybe go to Disneyland.

I know that we are not staying in a hotel but in the house of the family that my parents are friends with.

My mom said that the family has kids and that they will all be away at their grandparents for the three weeks we are there except one of them.

I think my mom said that the one staying is a boy... I wonder how old he is? And if he is cute.

As I try to picture what he looks like I fall asleep..

Overstayed// Teo Halm book 1Where stories live. Discover now