Chapter Seven: A Day at the Park

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Serena's POV

Days passed quicky, weeks flew by, and suddenly, I was once again allowed to go outside our house. From what I've heard, Ash also got grounded for an entire week, but now, he's allowed to go outside once again, so we both decided to go to the Lumiose Park to grab some ice cream and have fun together.

The moment he asked me, "Hey, do you wanna go to the park this Saturday?", I immediately said yes and was left a blushing mess. Now, here I am, fixing my hair for what seemed like the millionth time just to make sure I look good on this... date... if you could call it that, I guess.

My heart fluttered as I thought about it more. It's only gonna be Ash and I together alone, hanging out.. Shaking my head to dismiss the thought, I glanced back one more time at the mirror before grabbing my bag sitting on my bed, and heading straight towards the door.

"Mom, I'm gonna leave now!" I say when I reached the first floor where I found Mom watching TV at the living room. She turned her head and smiled me, "Just be careful, okay?" I nod, making my way towards the front door, key in hand.

"And have fun with your crush."

I instantly blush, stopping dead at my tracks. Turning around quickly, I shout, annoyed, "MOM!"

She only chuckled in return.


The sun met my eyes the moment I stepped on the park. I covered them, squinting my eyes in order for me to see if Ash is already here. I walked around a bit more, looking around. People were sitting on the benches, and kids were either eating, playing in the sandbox, or beside the fountain, throwing coins happily and watching the fishes swim there.

I smile at the peaceful scene, then suddenly spotted a certain raven-haired boy sitting on one of the wooden benches. I grin, breaking into a run towards him.

"Hey, Ash!" I greet him happily, and he turned his head to face me, smiling when he realized who it was.

"Hello, Serena," he greets back, his tone happy and excited. "Do you wanna buy ice cream now?"

"Sure!" I reply. He stood up, and with that, we both walked towards the ice cream store just near the park.

When we got there, there wasn't that many people eating. Only a girl sat at the back, enjoying her ice cream, and a teenager and a little girl who seemed like siblings sat near the front door, both eating their ice cream as they talked to each other.

We ordered and sat down, and I felt my heart flutter when I realized that it was only Ash and I here, together. I took a bite, trying to dismiss the thought.

As we ate silently and awkwardly, all of a sudden, the little girl that I saw earlier with what-seemed like her brother walked towards our table. I blinked, confused, as she turned to me, kneeling and placing a hand on her chest.

"You're a keeper! Will you take care of my brother?" She exclaims.

I open my mouth to say something, but the other teenager came here quickly, grabbing her as he scolded the little girl, blsuhing madly.

"Bonnie!" He shouts at her. "I told you not to do this a million times!"

Ash and I looked at each other, confused at what was going on.

"Um.." I start awkwardly.

He turns to me, still blushing. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry, it's fine, just confused, that's all," I reassure him.

He sighs. "She always does this, even though I tell her not to, it's really annoying," he adds.

I chuckle. "She's your sister, let me guess?"

He nods. "Yes, her name's Bonnie. Mine's Clemont, by the way,"

I smile at him. "Serena, and this is my friend, Ash," I say, pointing towards the raven-haired boy sitting across me. They smiled at each other.

"Hey guys, after we're done eating, wanna go up the Lumiose Tower?" I suddenly suggest, right after taking a bite from my ice cream.

Bonnie's eyes lit up. She grinned widely at me. "Yes, we should!"

Clemont chuckled. "Okay, sure,"

"Yay!" She exclaims, and Clemont, Ash, and I looked at each other, smiling.

After we ate, we headed straight towards the tower. And, when we reached the top to look at the view, it was spectacular. We could see basically everything from up here. It was nearing sunset, so we could see the sun slowly making its way down, slowly getting replaced by the magnifecent moon.

I smile to myself, deciding mentally that this was one of the best days of my life. Not only did I spent almost the entire day with my crush, but I also got to meet new kind and sweet friends.

"Did you enjoy this day, Sere?"

Without even looking, I already knew who asked me that. Not looking away from the window, I nod. "Yes, it was indeed a great day today," I say to him, and from the corner of my eye, I saw him smile at me.


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