chapter 2 //adventures

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"where do you want to go eat"Calum asked after he picked me up and we drove off. "um how about... kfc" I already knew what his awnser was gonna Be but I asked him anyways. that boy loves chicken if he could marry it he would, everytime we do something together he want to get kfc I wouldn't blame him kfc is amazing but I would get tired of it after awhile."Yes we can! I don't know why you gotta ask me if we could go ash you already know my awnser"calum said he's right I don't know why I got to ask him that all the time? I just like messing with him sometimes.

we arrived at kfc after he wanted to go run arans for a few hours! I turned to calum and he was already inside I told you he loved kfc I walked inside and found calum sitting at a table. I assumed he already odered so I placed my oder in and walked over to calum,we stayed in silence for a few minutes until he broke it "Ashton why did u leave school so early yesterday?" I knew he was gonna ask me that sooner or later because after school he takes me home and were in the same classes together.I couldn't lie and tell him I was sick because he knows when I lie or try to make up something,he waited and looked at me with a worried slightly concerned face.

"I was late to school and for my English class when I told the teacher he said to "take my seat"  and while I was going to my seat that popular kid Luke hemmings tripped me and I fell. everybody started laughing and whispering he yelled at me and said "get out the way you freak" and I couldn't stay so I went home and I fell asleep"

I didn't want to tell him everything or go into explicit detail of what happened after I ran out the class I looked up at him and he looked sad and mad at the same time. "don't listen to him your not a freak your an awesome guy and a awesome friend don't listen to them Ashton I'm tired of telling you that you need to quit believeing them your like my brother and I don't like to see you throw yourself away!!!  and you better not do wh-"I cut him off before he could tell me, I want to believe calum that I'm not a freak or a loser or every single name in the book that these kids have called me but it's hard and I know there all true. hes just trying to make me feel better so I won't do what I did again.

"number 42-43 your oder is ready" the lady at the counter yelled

calum got up and grabbed our food I waited for him to come back it was hard not to think about what calum had told me.Its hard not to believe what everybody says about me I can't just brush it off and tell myself that your not those things people tell me but ,the thing is all those names and them saying "nobody will miss you" it's all true! nobody would care if I was gone I don't even think calum would.......would he? he has been my best friend since kinder and has been there for me but what if he's just pretending to be my friend maybe he feels Sorry for me?

calum came back with the food and it looked yummy! I was really hungry I didn't get to eat yesterday at all and I didn't this morning. after we ate he wanted to go do something "lets go to the amusment park"calum insisted I really didn't want to go I would rather be  home and sleep all day but I didn't want to blow off calum so I agreed to go with him.

we arrived at the amusement park it was a nice day out not to hot not to cold it was perfect..... we payed for our tickets and went to go sit at the bench that was near a food stand "let's try and ride all the roller coasters"calum said with joy I didn't feel like riding any rides especially all the roller coasters, I remember the first time I got on a big roller coaster I was with my mom and dad and I decided to go on a ride called the x-factor it was horrible I was scared I threw up over everybody... that's why I don't like riding these rides I don't want to throw up on everyone again

"do I have to calum! I mean I would like to ride all the rides but i don't  want to throw up on you  or everyone else" I begged i looked at calum and he looked sad he looked more disappointed "just 3 big ones just 3,please please please!!!! he begged I couldn't say no to him he had his pouty face so I definitely couldn't say no to that face. OMG I sound gay but I'm not I like girls

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