Chapter Thirty-One

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We drew a map to a better place

But on that road I took a fall

Oh baby why did you run away?

To: Slut Dresser <3 ^.^ Sent: 1:22 PM

We need to talk.

From: Slut Dresser <3 ^.^ Received: 1:39 PM


To: Slut Dresser <3 ^.^ Sent: 1:40 PM

Us, what happened the last time we talked to each other.

From: Slut Dresser <3 ^.^ Received: 1:43 PM

Yeah, okay. When do you want to talk about it? I'm home right now so we can now if you want to.

To: Slut Dresser <3 ^.^ Sent: 1:44 PM

Yeah... I'll be over in a second.




"Come on in..."


"How've you been?"

"I've been okay, what about yourself?"

"I've been better, but I’m okay.”

“Well that’s good… Niall, I uh…. I want to apologize for what I said. You’re… You’re not a slut or anything like that and… and I guess I’m sorry for hitting Alex. I just… You have to understand everything he’s put me through, and then you have to understand everything you’ve put me through… Seeing the both of your together drove me crazy and I did things I regret… so I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry.”

“Surprisingly, I forgive you for it. I get that you were upset, and I get that seeing Alex and I together made you even more upset… I’m only forgiving you though cause I want us to be friends.”


“Yeah… Friends. I… I don’t think this whole relationship thing is going to work out between the both of us. We’ve both got tempers and from what I’ve seen it’s just better if we remain as friends. Don’t get me wrong Harry… I lo-like you a lot, but I just… I don’t think we can… We can be a couple without someone getting hurt more than they already have.”

“How do you know that though? You haven’t even given me, us a chance.”

“Because I know where this goes Harry. It goes down a path that I don’t want to follow. You… Alex told me about what happened between the both of you… He told me about what you did, and I don’t want to end up like he did. I… I can’t risk it, so I won’t. Please just leave it at that.”

“I won’t just leave it at that, what did Alex say to you?!”

“You weren’t the one who was left broken hearted. You weren’t the one who was cheated on, and god I can’t believe I actually fell for it. Harry Styles, you are nothing more than the player. You’re so goddamn obsessed with breaking people that you’re falling for your own lies. I refuse to be another name marked off the list.”

“Are you even hearing yourself right now? You’re making no sense! Why would I lie to you? Give me one good reason as to why I would lie!”

“Because you’re so goddamn desperate to get into my pants! You don’t get it… You don’t understand that I’m not like you, I don’t want to be like you.”

“Now who’s the liar? Not once have I tried to get into your pants Niall, not once! So don’t you dare say that I have when I have done nothing but be kind to you. You’re different from the others…”

“Really now? Cause last I heard I was only a fuck buddy to you.”

“Where did you hear that? I never said that.”

“Why don’t you go fucking ask Ashton Irwin! He seems to enjoy walking around your house in only his boxers. I thought that you had changed… I thought you’d been willing enough to change for me and that just showed me you can’t even do that. You can say all the fuck you want about how Alex is some sort of liar, and that I don’t know what I’m saying… but I know enough to know that I can’t keep doing this back and forth thing we’ve been doing. So I’m ending whatever it is we have.”

“It’s been over since you walked out of my front door. Why are you so goddamn afraid to be with me? Why… Why can’t you see that I’m falling in love with you?”

“You can’t fall in love with me. Stop making this harder than it needs to be… Please.”

“No, I can’t because that’s the truth. I’m falling in love with you, even when you’re pushing me away… Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you just… let it happen? Why are you so scared of falling in love?”

“Because I don’t want to love you! I don’t want to realize that you’re the only thing in my life that will keep me going. I don’t want to… but you’re making it so goddamn hard to tell you no. I don’t want to love you, and I don’t want you to love me. So stop making this hard for me… Stop telling me you’re falling in love with me.”

“I won’t… I won’t stop saying it until the moment you realize that it’s true. Please Niall… Don’t leave me alone…. just tell me you love me.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not though? Why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that it’s what you feel? Why?”

“Because I don’t love you. I… I don’t think you even know what love is Harry. You can’t love me when you don’t know what love is.”

“I know what love is.”

“Not where I’m concerned. This was a mistake..”

“Don’t you ever say this is a mistake…”

“I think you should leave.”

“Stop pushing me away.”

“Please Harry…”


“Just go.”


“Just go Harry… It’s the least you can do.”

“You just have the talent for breaking my heart, I hope you know that.”

“Yeah… I could say the same about you.”



This story is just amazing.

Kristie again.

See that new cover?

Yeah. It was made by the amazing Nand0shero.

Connie was so in love with their fanart and how much meaning is put behind this that she wanted it to be her cover <3


You guys are the best :)

-Kristie <3

Shiver (n.h. + h.s.)(Punk!Harry)(Book One)Where stories live. Discover now